002 OG: おおっとオーク共か TL: "Stupid orcs" ED: she doesn't call them anything, she's just commenting on their presence
OG: ちょうどいい TL: "That's right" ED: she's pleased with the situation
OG: 光栄に思え / 大魔術師のこの私が直々に考えた魔法だ TL: "Feel honored to feel my archmage's magic" ED: she's saying they should feel honored since she developed it herself and she's a great mage
OG: まぁまだ加減がわからんから TL: "Well, I still don't know. I might" ED: she's saying she doesn't know its limits
OG: うっかり脳味噌が溶け出してしまうかもしれんが… TL: "inadvertently melt your brains into miso soup" ED: she doesn't make any reference to miso
and you skipped the entire bottom half of this page. it's not sfx