Posted on 12 June 2011, 22:31 by:
Fearox Score
Base +5, anon1234 +6, Mr Anal +1, Meccaflare +6, observer1980 +21, Qwerty Bam +3, ted the guy +5, Exodiafinder687 +2
Base +6, dkjasfhs -7, JLAMBO20 -5, Altayrl +4, observer1980 +21, Qwerty Bam +3, ted the guy +5, Exodiafinder687 +2, Denjiro -10, PC-Reviver +10
Base +1, observer1980 +21, Qwerty Bam +3, ted the guy +5, Exodiafinder687 +2
Posted on 05 June 2013, 15:22 by:
Rail+S Score
Base +11, Meccaflare +6, Altayrl +4, Owyn +19, observer1980 +21, Qwerty Bam +3, Kaylaloves69 +7, ted the guy +5, Exodiafinder687 +2, lfp6 +7
Base +8, Quagiggity +6, PervyYoungman +7, Gaiadrill +10, Sh@doW +8
Posted on 11 March 2016, 23:41 by:
Gurkhan Score
Base +4