what the fuck is this meme translation?, no need to mention bad job at cleaning, messy typesetting and your idiotic filenames, If you lookup with "A Plain High School Girl Is ○○'d by Pretty Girls" you'll see this is already translated since 3 years ago with way better quality than this shit.
Curiosity got the best of me and normally I would have a few words to say about this kinda stuff but I cannot be fucked. It's MTL, admitted by them here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1066921959411167377/1076832335279960154/image.png
005 OG: 雪衣 TL: "I need to tell you something" ED: she just says her name. even if you look at the raw without understanding anything you can tell she's not speaking very much
006 OG: ど…どうしたの?急にトイレなんかに連れてきて… TL: "Shina..what's wrong? You've been acting weird" ED: she's wondering why she was brought to the bathroom
007 OG: え?!!ちょ…っ史奈さん!? TL: Shina-chan?! ED: Shina-san. if you're going to use honorifics you need to get them right since they aren't random
OG: だから2枚あったら貸してほしいなって… TL: "That's why I told you to come with me" ED: she's saying she's wants to borrow a pair if Yukie has an extra
OG: …は? TL: "Ah.." ED: Huh?
008 OG: え…っえええ?!!下着?!! TL: "Wait what?!" ED: she's reacting to the request for underwear specifically
OG: さすがにないよ!!逆になんで2枚も下着を持って来てると思ったの?! TL: "Of course I don't!!" ED: she also asks why Shina would think that Yukie would have 2 pairs of underwear
OG: 雪衣なら持ってそうだったから… TL: "I was wondering if you had a[sic] extra pair of panties..." ED: she's explaining that Yukie seems like someone who would
OG: いや様々な理由はあれどばんつは一枚だよ!それにほらそういう時は保健室とかに... TL: "For various reasons I only carry one pair on me!!" ED: missing second half telling Shina to go to the nurse
OG: それは不可能 TL: "I beg you" ED: she's saying she can't go to the nurse
OG: わたしにはいいのね… TL: "Good for me" ED: Yui's reacting to how Shina has the courage for this interaction instead
Base +24, cybeast93 +21, yurineaki +10, 10tonbrick +5