Base +4, Good shenshi +6, sdwerd +6, OnceForAll -30, pad19950620 +6, chenxiaoyu2013 +6, fleialei +11, Japari Manju +8, sovietfox +6, A Fake Account +13, 米凯拉的卫兵 +10, shatan6 +6, CodeGeasscity +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 18 February 2023, 16:50 by:
xujianwei Score
Base +6, OnceForAll +38, pad19950620 -6, chenxiaoyu2013 +6, tkenemy +7, Japari Manju +8, CodeGeasscity +6, 習近平 -30, Eat bananas JoJo +3, 1665393464s +4, leokingg -6, pocket-Gao +7, bluewin +7, and 3 more...
Base +1, A Fake Account +13, CodeGeasscity +6, omtiton +7, 習近平 -30, Eat bananas JoJo +3, a10121013345 +6, negifish +8, leokingg -6, Fubuki_prpr +6, scf123 +28
Base +6, leokingg +6, bluewin -7, scf123 -28
Base +6, leokingg -6, pocket-Gao +7, negifish +8, Fubuki_prpr +6, scf123 +28