For anyone wondering about pages /s/ed8b6f3a1b/2474956-27 and /s/802be83934/2474956-26 - thouse are from the different set, and were added by a piece of shit serial spammer and rule abuser of an OP precisely to avoid expunging by abusing the hell out of site rules.
Even if 26 and 27 are from different sets, and even if I understand that such holes are very commonly exploited for stupid currency gains, the fact remains that those pictures are not in any gallery that I can see or such gallery has not been linked yet. Yes, this might be compilating content from two sets in order to gain 3 units of GP. But it is still true that this core content is not available on the site elsewhere than this shit gallery.
And again I understand that second set might be literally a single trash picture or two.
The system was not designed for "selfie releases", let's admit that.
Ill post this on the forum and hear others about it.
Aparrently acording to google search those are screanshots from leaked video placed on website from link on those photos also from completely different set Edit: Website just dissapeared