@FoToN: I was blocking all of these spammers too, but then realized about 75% of them just upload a single gallery and never again; they have to keep making new accounts/stealing old abandoned ones so they can keep up the pretense that sooooo many people want this autogenerated trash, you see. Probably best to just save space on the block list for losers like firecat666 and other trolls who mass upload this crap.
Nah, I know all the people who like this shit that aren't the uploaders are braindead coomers who jerk it to anything. AI is great for them and for everybody else since once it gets good enough and easy enough to use they'll all ensconce themselves in their own little safe space of worthless incel-bait garbage.
lol at this loser chasing down my comments to throw such limp dick missing the point insults at me. don't you have some prompts to type my dude? or some asskissing or circlejerking on the forums to bump up your mod power so it looks like people actually care about your opinions?