Base +10, dragolem +12, Und3adgam3r +7, cacatel +6, felzasj +6, fernendoff +8, Ufoorh2o +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, Peyotl +6, caveman84 +9
Base +6, Eureka_seveN77 +6, dragolem +12, Und3adgam3r +7, cacatel +6, felzasj +6, MJTH +8, sicuus +6, Vormik +7, dersied -10, fernendoff +8, Ufoorh2o +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6
Base +6, Eureka_seveN77 +6, dragolem +12, Und3adgam3r +7, adeadsanta +11, DrakoKnight48 +6, cacatel +6, felzasj +6, Vormik +7, dersied -10, lurkinhere +6, Randomguy664 +11, Playaza +7, and 20 more...
Base +25, cacatel +6, dragolem +12, felzasj +6, Vormik +7, dersied -10, lurkinhere +6, Playaza +7, fernendoff +8, Bisharp96 +6, Ufoorh2o +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, Zerox Flame -6
Posted on 26 February 2023, 21:36 by:
petermc Score
Base +6, CreeperClaw +9, Vormik +7, dersied -10, lurkinhere +6, Randomguy664 +11, fernendoff +8, dragolem +12, Ufoorh2o +6, Lock6 +7, girlsaurus +7, GaRbS +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 27 February 2023, 03:35 by:
Soldier A Score
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops +24, Vormik +7, fernendoff +8, dragolem +12, TheBrojangles +6, Ufoorh2o +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6
Base +6, Enbu +7, fernendoff +8, dragolem +12, TheBrojangles +6, cacatel +6, Ufoorh2o +6, Lock6 +7, GaRbS +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, hisoj +7, caveman84 +9
Base +7, lurkinhere +6, arthurbrown918 +5, fernendoff +8, dragolem +12, errata +14, Eldock +6, TheBrojangles +6, necrosis527 +11, cacatel +6, Ufoorh2o +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, Arlene Excalibur +3, and 6 more...
Base +7, errata -14, lurkinhere -6, enragedelite -6, porno-mancer -6, MetalWarrior22 -6, Bisharp96 -6, Enbu -7, Eureka_seveN77 -6, NaixTheLS -7, LocalRecruiter -1, Ufoorh2o -6, kikimaru024 -25, and 16 more...
Posted on 10 March 2023, 05:04 by:
Dooderz Score
Base +8, TheBrojangles +6, Bisharp96 +6, Elias85 +6, Ufoorh2o +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, Grimrabbit +11
Base +6, Ufoorh2o +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6
Base +7, cacatel -6, Ufoorh2o +6, Pareidolia -6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, NeedEmail -2, Eptz +11