Base +35, vermillionwing -7, z7572143z -6, huanderson +6, The_Unnamed +7, predator1337 -10, Balistik Intsik -6, OneOppMan -6, Nimede -6, Druem +7, XzeroXTribe +8, Phong0401 -7, nightheron -7, and 30 more...
Base +8, chaos-x +43, z7572143z +6, lancehedrey +6, lafuan0706 +6, Jinwa +10, SereneHarmony +1, predator1337 +10, Balistik Intsik +6, SAMIDIVANDOUEN +6, OneOppMan +6, _Riro_ +6, Antares2343 +6, and 31 more...
Base +6, z7572143z +6, manbearpig321 -6, The_Unnamed -7, lafuan0706 +6, Jinwa +10, predator1337 +10, SAMIDIVANDOUEN +6, XzeroXTribe -8, HCY450 +6, shekelmeister +6, lknd14 +7, r18superstar1986 +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 03 March 2023, 02:45 by:
w14l14l Score
Base +6, edc陈冠希 +6, Seandgreat -6
Base +6, edc陈冠希 -6, 我的大杰宝 -6, leogaexpa -6, Hinson -6, qiyuanshuxia -5, bbbsss -6, HCY450 -6, Alwone -1, haimaren -4, cyczxckk -6, viewman -6, なnine -4, and 99 more...
Base +6, Generotic +8, NOBODY001 +7, SAMIDIVANDOUEN +6, DOIHI3 +6, Ikahi +6, EmiyaKiritsugu +6, KuraiShin +2, dafuqyousaid +4
Posted on 15 March 2023, 12:59 by:
dakight Score
Base +13
Base +6, haimaren +4, cyczxckk +6, kaicat74 +4, super niuniu +2, zhupaizhouzi +4, N719 +6, cxddt +5, pointer243 +6, VerasDog +2, Nocar +1, nutzzz2077 +2, HyperRailGun +5, and 30 more...
Posted on 05 May 2023, 13:56 by:
SCP-166 Score
Base +6, haimaren +4, HHHYYW +6, cyczxckk +6, uu2304 +1, pointer243 +6, lsp12312451 +2, q1975420992 +1, HyperRailGun +5, tyq1135409448 +6, muyixbu +6, chesenming +4, leader1234 +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 04 June 2023, 12:30 by:
aaaznxx Score
Base +6, chesenming +4, 嫰菁菜 +6, ludwigXP +4
Base +6, xdwmyt +5, tyq1135409448 +6, chesenming +4, 某个路人母 +6, fatemylove +6, sunzhentan +1, quinous +6, assd233as +3, ludwigXP +4, 她说是晒黑的 +3, bssgkid +9, flovescdfk +5, and 10 more...
Base +6, creeperdoubi +2, 盯裆喵 +6, tianfall +6, gh404303 +4, 基洛夫斯基 +3, kllllss +3, zhupaizhouzi +4, mako7356 +6, nimoff +6, HyperRailGun +5, wws6786 +6, PascalR. +6, and 26 more...
Base +6, luck/lucky +6, chesenming +4, assd233as +3, qweasdzxc567890… +5, 20100506abcd +6, 17385372379 +3, dafuqyousaid +4
Base +6, 125619hy +6, HyperRailGun +5, PascalR. +6, luck/lucky +6, HDVD800 +6, 7wehw +6, quinous +6, poti69 +1, ludwigXP +4, vnw123 +3, qweasdzxc567890… +5, Xu1792040342 +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 05 June 2023, 11:16 by:
Base +5, 嫰菁菜 +6, dafuqyousaid +4
Posted on 07 August 2023, 05:18 by:
小烧拍 Score
Base +5, assd233as +3, ludwigXP +4, dafuqyousaid +4
Posted on 14 August 2023, 01:24 by:
10000cc Score
Base +6, 徐勇正 +4, dafuqyousaid +4
Posted on 27 August 2023, 09:39 by:
andy huo Score
Base +3, 徐勇正 +4, Danzek233 -6
Base +6, xfhghbw +5, 百八十块 +5, Vib18 +2, 齐正言 +6, 徐勇正 +4, 17385372379 +3, ljlfb +6, 发可哥 +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, dafuqyousaid +4, 滚滚滚 +6, kaids10 +2, and 1 more...
Posted on 26 October 2023, 09:51 by:
dangyixiu Score
Base +5
Posted on 29 November 2023, 21:48 by:
lth3719 Score
Base +4