Base +6, NaixTheLS +7, sleepyguardian +6, IaY +10, kikimaru024 +22, MechWarriorNY +10, Deep in +5, Sylphvine +6, bobthebaco +6, b298374 +6, BaperNu +9, baneonplane +7, Rokan +7, and 16 more...
Posted on 17 November 2022, 20:46 by:
Learch Score
Base +9, Undeadcynic97 -9, Viktorious -6, kikimaru024 +22, Captn9087 +7, Deep in +5, phantomruler +6, nolol111 +6, Dogly God +6, Sylphvine +6, skyboy19 +8, bobthebaco +6, Unyltyan -7, and 18 more...
Posted on 17 November 2022, 20:52 by:
jimmy118 Score
Base +17, baneonplane +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, soul saber +6, Ammendum +6
Base +8, Spikey699 +6, baneonplane +7, TheGoodGiggle +12, Vex Arch +6, noname31 +6
Base +7, BaperNu +9, The_Agent +6, baneonplane +7, Azriel_Satan +6, Imsolo +6, noname31 +6
Posted on 18 November 2022, 03:32 by:
Mmmutant Score
Last edited on 18 November 2022, 06:45.
Base +10, Beane +7, kikimaru024 +22, Gabs999 +6, BaperNu +9, ssjm1 +7, baneonplane +7, Ghostface211 +1, Xakep +22, TheGoodGiggle +12, _Riro_ +6, icesonic +8, Toastkoro +7, and 6 more...
Base +6, BaperNu +9, baneonplane +7, TheGoodGiggle +12, Romi the Byzantine +7, icesonic +8, Toastkoro +7, LettermanZA +6, Vex Arch +6, Ammendum +6
Base +8, Romi the Byzantine +7
Base +7, kikimaru024 +24, MechWarriorNY +10, Romi the Byzantine +7, Napalmhit +7, baneonplane +8, Azriel_Satan +6
Posted on 20 March 2023, 17:05 by:
Chojiin Score
Base +6, baneonplane +8, Azriel_Satan +6