Man, good thing the dad was abusive or I might've felt bad for his soul being eaten and I guess we can assume the women of this family all have asshole sons and lovers? Seriously Heather, Wealth, prosperity and beauty for your descendants, but the males die young and the females pretty much can't have meaningful relationships. You kind of screwed your family over for generations. (btw I do like this and your other works. This is me joking around)
@Loki The Flameshield - Yeah the original comic featured a lot more back story regarding the fathers abuse, Lady Heathers deal and also Phils relationship with his sister and mother. The original comic was 266 pages long and I wanted this remake to be a lot shorter than that so I decided to hint at / briefly explain a bit of the back story regarding each aspect of it.
To give you a brief synopsis: The father was an utter monster towards his wife and daughter so he deserved his fate. Lady Heather originally rejected the deal as the demon - when he appeared - killed her family during an orgy they were having, in the end though Lady Heather accepted the terms as the demon said he would bring back her family if she did. The son is actually a nice guy (although he does have the occasional fight with his sister). Its stated that if the females dont perform the ceremony their souls would be taken by the demon aswel as those of the men in the family. So, whilst the fate of the men is pretty much sealed, the women can still live on. They are required to perform the ceremony at least twice (once with their father and once with their sons - depending on how many sons they have). Once they have, they no longer need to keep performing the ceremony (so the mother can re-marry and have kids etc without the deal looming over their head.)
Anyway, because of the ending to this story the downsides of the deal are no longer an issue for this particular family line.
Another great comic, TOR. The models are all gorgeous, the story is deliciously dark and the action is all so much taboo fun. I'd love to check out the original iteration of the comic. Ddo you still have it posted anywhere? I'm excited for what you create next.
@jaykersh - I'll be honest with you I don't even know if I've still got the original! It may be saved on one of my many external hard drives but tbh its like a well established artist looking back at a picture they drew when they were 5 years old. I have fond memories of making the original but I know I'd be horrified if I actually looked at it now!
I'm still not sure what the next comic will be but hopefully it is as well received as this one!