Posted on 24 April 2022, 23:06 by:
ElliE8 Score
Base +6, RegentNemea +2, Undeadcynic97 -9, poisenbow -6, IMNC -7, Zerulean -6, Psychophant -7, arefin0991 -6, BrainPainter -6, Rubikscube12 -6, ZeBolt -6, robergalargaa -4, Crysina +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 27 September 2022, 14:33 by:
Lucifuge Score
Base +6, Claustric -6, IcicleCrash +6, Supremacia -7, archwaynine -6, xCardboard +6, Ugly Ameoba +6, Zivilyn -6, madokakin -3, blast106 -6, biscardone -8, pooqqq -6, suapthickdick -7, and 5 more...
Posted on 28 September 2022, 01:49 by:
Generotic Score
Base +8, vixenelli +7, SpermShower -6, monkeyjack +7, Zivilyn +6, madokakin +3, psyburn21 +20, Neobrawler +6, alllifeinfate +6
Posted on 10 October 2022, 18:31 by:
Selvokaz Score
Base +6, Zoinks +6, SpermShower -6, monkeyjack +7, H_homster +6, B0iledEGG -6, Zivilyn +6, madokakin +3, blast106 +6, Jesus_2020774 +5, kingzigzag +7, suapthickdick +7, psyburn21 +20, and 9 more...
Base +6, psyburn21 -20, AzertyPorto -10, mt94 -6, poisenbow -6, moncho5489 -6, alllifeinfate -6, biscardone +8, Brassa +7, Ugly Ameoba +6, SenhorPexe +6, DogbertLinc +6
Base +6, psyburn21 +20, AzertyPorto +10, Hungry Joke +6, someone123123 +6, poisenbow +6, Eon87 +6, tadpolegaming +7, Neobrawler +6, alllifeinfate +6, skarm +6, DollButton -6, Myiog +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 17 February 2023, 14:20 by:
Alberonce Score
Base +7, someone123123 +6, yankeeboy27 +6
Posted on 22 February 2023, 19:17 by:
Holacle Score
Base +6, DollButton +6, DogbertLinc +6
Base +4, poisenbow +6, skarm +6, biscardone +8, FarkyMac +8, someone123123 +6, raku1989 +5, NaoDarkness +6, Cardi +6, saintabe +9
Base +7, someone123123 +6, Zanderle100 +6
Base +8, someone123123 +6
Base +6, Ch@ron -7, DogbertLinc -6
Posted on 12 May 2023, 10:52 by:
ElliE8 Score
Base +6, Undeadcynic97 -9, Ch@ron -7, DogbertLinc -6, tadpolegaming +7