Special Thanks to crim for agreeing to re-edit the title last minute lol
RAW: /s/b3d6c7d542/2472251-50 ——— For future reference, this artist's tag is "a:otou." NOT "a:otou"
SUPPORT THE AUTHOR BY PURCHASING THEIR WORK https://book.dmm.co.jp/product/13786/k568agotp02316
Twitter: https://twitter.com/otou3dayo
——— (seems to be inactive, but belongs to them): Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32686735 Fanbox: https://otou3dayo.fanbox.cc Fantia: https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/54623
A fantastic little story. Sometimes, it really is as simple as showing two attractive young people being kind and decent towards each other, and then having them go all the way.