p.1 my friends mothers > friends' p.2 we've been going at it > we went at it (past action) p.2 and go at it like animals for all day long > cut "for" p.3 tomorrow's morning > tomorrow morning p.4 so let's have fun till the night like always > have fun all night long p.6 we are doing this // for almost six months > we've been doing this p.9 it's the smell of young boy's > a young boy's (but really should be "young man") p.10 i'm on a pill > i'm on THE pill (this exclusively refers to contraception) p.10 even though you came two times already > twice -- not really a mistake, so i won't count it p.12 your friends mothers > your friends' p.18 it's should stay > it should
I might be losing my mind but I think I have read an official English TL of this somewhere before. I went to go look for it but can't find it anywhere. Even on paid sites.
002 OG: だろ?最高だぜ TL: "It is, right?" ED: the entire 2nd part of the line got cut out
OG: この前3時間くらいぶっ通しでヤったら最高に気持ちよくて… TL: "We've been going at it for 3 hours, it felt so good..." ED: tense mixups
003 OG: …というわけで / 二人を目の前にしてこういう事言うのも何なんですがー TL: "...And that's" / "How our conversation went" ED: this line is made up. he's thinking out loud whether or not he should be telling that to the girls in front of him
OG: 明日の昼ごろタクとマサが家に帰ってきても TL: "When Taku and Masa come back home tomorrow's[sic] morning" ED: he's saying "even if Taku and Masa get home around noon..."
006 OG: けどやっぱり良くない事だからってそれっきりにしようと思ってたのに― TL: "But I knew we did something very bad and decided to stop it" ED: she's didn't decide anything, she was only thinking (this is directly related to the next few bubbles)
OG: 数日後にマサトが家に連れてきた学校の友達が TL: "And then a friend from school came to visit Masato" ED: a few days later Masato brought home a friend from school, the timing is important
007 OG: ルミの友人で同じような境遇だった私が誘われたわけね TL: "As a friend of Miru who was in a similar situation to mine I was invited too" ED: her name is not Miru
OG: 同い年の子と遊んだりしたくならない? TL: "Don't you want to find a girlfriend your age?" ED: she's just talking about messing around with girls, not finding a girlfriend
OG: たしかに同級生の方が肌もすべすべで反応も初々しくて興奮するけど… TL: "It's true that girls my age would have smoother skin and be much less experienced and more innocent" ED: it seems like you repeated a part ("much less experienced and more innocent") instead of reading the full line where he says it would be more arousing (directly related to next bubble)
OG: 随分はっきり言うわね… TL: "But to be honest" ED: wrong speaker, this is a mother reacting to his blunt assessment