Base +6, elda88 +25, rambo voller -26, Davidrinius +6, Bukanier +6, yasinn -6, Winter is Cumming -6, kafi -8, javululu +5, Barry Pug -3, JinzoCrush -6, maddeath +6, MehMeher -4, and 6 more...
Base +6, Coyote_blue22 +4, Tenjho666 -6, 霊烏路 空 -6, yasinn -6, Blueshirt616 -6, saucexxx -6, Winter is Cumming -6, cockblaster -6, MrFour -7, shomi -6, paradox0001 -7, Barry Pug -3, and 18 more...
Base +8, Barry Pug -3, Cmdrtimbt +6, Flowboat +6, TFCaliel +5, imouto10032 -6, MehMeher +4, Santa8111 +6, Skyhappy +7, SleepingWendigo -5, EeeXEee -6, ms5738 -2
Posted on 23 March 2023, 16:07 by:
daitengu Score
Base +8, Cmdrtimbt +6, SyL3r +2, maddeath +6, TFCaliel +5, MehMeher +4, notalone +7, Santa8111 +6, legayckidz +2, Skyhappy +7, SleepingWendigo -5, mistresslucy +9, Kwaq +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, bobzhadar -6, BaperNu -9, Kwaq +6