why did you MTL from Chinese instead of the actual raw though?
004 OG: やさしいしかっこいいし料理もできちゃう TL: "Your looks, your temper, even your cooking is so good" ED: she doesn't mention his looks, you got this from the Chinese TL (外形帥氣脾氣又好)
OG: 再婚とか考えないんですか? TL: "Have you ever remaried[sic]?" ED: she's asking if he's ever considered it. you would think she would know if her father in law remarried
OG: いやぁ無理無理もう完全におじいさんだから TL: "No way, besides from what you said. I'm just an old man now" ED: he just says he can't because he's a total old man, you got the extra parts from the Chinese TL (看你說的)
OG: そんな事ないですって TL: "Father-in-law you are too modest" ED: she's just disagreeing, you got the extra parts from the Chinese TL (公公您這就過謙了)
006 OG: わ 私…お茶 / いれてきます TL: "That...I'll go" / "Pour some tea" ED: you got "That" from the Chinese TL, but 那個 is used to just fill the air ("um"). in the actual raw she just stutters
OG: 沙綾さん TL: "Sayaka" ED: her name is Saaya, if you read the raw you would see the reading but the Chinese TL doesn't show it
007 OG: あ…あの… TL: "Just now" ED: in both the raw and Chinese TL this is just her beginning to speak hesitantly ("uh")
OG: 弱さを告白されたその瞬間 / 私はただ / 癒してあげたい / …そう思ってしまった TL: "When he told me about his loneliness..." / "I was" ED: the moment he confessed his weakness to me / I just
OG: 癒してあげたい TL: "just trying to comfort him" ED: wanted to comfort him
OG: …そう思ってしまった TL: "There's really...nothing more to it" ED: this is more of a direct TL from Chinese than the raw
011 OG: 沙綾さん…今だけでいいから 和司…と呼んでくれないか TL: "Sayaka-san even if it's just for the moment, can you call me Kazuki" ED: their names are Saaya and Kazushi