There are other parts of this "story", some of them don't have text though (or at least I couldn't find it) but I also uploaded other image sets including these characters, just check my uploads.
003 OG: そんなに大きいの入るわけ…! TL: "So-something is big is going in..." ED: she's saying there's no way something that big would fit
005 OG: ん~、ハルはやっぱり名器やなぁ♥ TL: "You're really great Haru!" ED: she's specifically talking about the qualities of her pussy
007 OG: ちが…う♥ TL: N/A ED: untranslated denial
008 OG: 他の女の子とやっとった時は楽しかったと? TL: "Did you have fun with the other girls when you were doing it?" ED: she's asking if Haru had fun when she could fuck the other girls, the order of the current phrasing is ambiguous
OG: …わかりましたわ / おねがい♥ TL: "Please...I get it now" ED: there are 2 different speakers here but you combined it into 1 line by 1 speaker, which changes the meaning
009 OG: ハルさんがご奉仕で私を満足させられたなら TL: "I hope I'll be able to satisfy you, Haru" ED: she's saying if Haru was able to satisfy her (Lily), cont'd
OG: イリスさんを説得して差し上げましょう TL: "I'm sure Iris won't mind if I join" ED: can be persuaded?
011 OG: リーダーの資質ってこの口にのことでしたの? TL: "So this is the mouth I've been told about?" ED: asking if this (oral) is what Haru meant by being a leader
017 OG: 無責任中出しばり気持ちよか TL: "You're gripping me so indecently in there..." ED: she's saying it feels good to creampie her without caring about anything
OG: こんなに気持ちいいなんて… TL: "It feels so good..." ED: missing tone of surprise
020 OG: もっとエッチしたか♥ TL: "I wanna fuck some more!" ED: this is about the illness more than her own desires