Visit my site at if you want to commission something, create or donate to any crowdfunds, or just want to read over a thousand trap translations. NOTE that I've opened non-trap commissions for a very limited time. It's first come, first serve, so if you're interested check the site for my email and get it in quick.
Quickie here, classic plot, hairy man ass, cute trap bunnies, good artist, etc. I'll see if I can get another quick one out before going back to commissions.
I read video on Hunger Game character analysis and read a comment thread. Now I’m gonna bitch about it in e-hentai comment (really sorry mm3, i have nothing against you) pls bear with me -ppl angry that the president sell one of the male tribute at 14 as prostitute. Also people start weird out for “liking him” after the video describe them characters age Saying things weird is just elitist way to scream they live in different environment and anyone not living through the same is ‘weird’. Teen age and sex was acceptable in both this fictional setting and western world before 1800 Said character age is 25 in the movie, he was around 14 after winning the game when the prostitution happen
-soneone in comment saying hes (the commentor in youtube, not the character) 12 and his gf is 17, 4 ppl lose their mind and calling him victim. Is this what living inside bubble look like? is it weird for middle schooler able to date? Said commenter able to live a Pit-Palutena dynamic. Fucking main character. Westerner are too sheltered I swear
Base +5, Tarball -13, rocktheshazbot -6, Ichigo69 -7, asdoasdk -6