Base +7, hikari no kaze +10, venfare +9, Mistrall -7, AriSapes +7, SilentSlime +6, dipak +8, roasted1111 +6, xD4N73x +8, AininChase +7, skual +7, oheye +9, ylchow +7, and 26 more...
Base +8, ToaKraka +7, darkblane257 +8, Heao +7
Base +8, oheye +9, darkblane257 +8, Heao +7
Posted on 09 April 2023, 12:50 by:
Elizar Score
Base +7, Fofotron +6, Ziginus +6, finnick8 +8, Noret +6, 44inf +6
Base +7, cookiey +6, pooppandapoo +6, swordpaladin +9, pepsisir +6, oheye +9, darkblane257 +8, Drevlik +6, finnick8 +8, as102 +13, 44inf +6, eghorfiaklam +6
Posted on 09 April 2023, 16:00 by:
Danieke Score
Base +6, pooppandapoo +6, darkblane257 +8, Ziginus +6, Sinisterlock -6, as102 +13
Base +6, saidtheotherme +6, ToaKraka +7, oheye +9, Diaboros +6, darkblane257 +8, nemuro +6, darpaman +6, C.Edouard +7, alphabetagama +8, AntiShisno +8, ducmo +6, as102 +13, and 6 more...
Posted on 09 April 2023, 19:45 by:
jimmy118 Score
Base +17, Otaku Soniz +6, darkblane257 +8, xxsadpanda -6, Drevlik +6, Beane +7, Azura Meta +6, Bakster123 +8, eghorfiaklam +6, RandomDudeH +6
Base +6, Fofotron +6, Noret +6
Posted on 09 April 2023, 22:51 by:
Forgunia Score
Base +9, hikari no kaze +10, darkblane257 +8, Syerathe +13, Fofotron +9
Posted on 10 April 2023, 01:05 by:
Red 255 Score
Base +7, oheye +9, darkblane257 +8, Zyleyz -6, Beane +7, darpaman +6, XNumbers +8, eghorfiaklam +6, IcyHot32 +8
Posted on 10 April 2023, 02:35 by:
cabbages Score
Base +11, Piter993 +9, gimmesome +6, darkblane257 +8, EmeraldicDriller +6, RubyRoy +5, darpaman +6, Darksword696 +21, alphabetagama +8, AntiShisno +8, as102 +13, foil95 +6, hikari no kaze +10, and 8 more...
Base +56, darkblane257 +8, Fofotron +6, oheye +9, IcyHot32 +8
Posted on 12 April 2023, 14:18 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6
Posted on 10 August 2023, 20:07 by:
Murderbot Score
Base +10, Slaanesh40k +6, oheye +9, 44inf +6, IcyHot32 +8, KB0144 +5, Joko Myoko +6, Heinz_Brausewind +6, Takepyon +6, m0ch4 +18, Fofotron +20
Posted on 15 September 2023, 20:10 by:
EonSonny Score
Base +6, XNumbers +8, eghorfiaklam +6, IcyHot32 +8, Fofotron +20