Original Release on Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105666192
Created by Kawaii Tsun'aho https://www.pixiv.me/kawaii-tsunaho https://twitter.com/KawaiiTsunAho https://kawaii-tsunaho.fanbox.cc/ https://www.patreon.com/KawaiiTsunaho
Just gonna put this out there- uncontrolled gallery spam like this is a great way to earn an instant spot on everyone’s blocked uploaders list. Lord knows I did it as soon as I saw 17 low-star galleries from one person in the last like 30 minutes. I get wanting to self-advertise and I appreciate jumping the gun and going straight to here. But there’s a method to doing so that *doesn’t* involve pissing everyone off.
@Sylvrwolflol These aren't uploaded because I want to self-advertise. If that was the case, I'd post one a week on a regular basis, which is far more effective for that. I've ripped off the bandaid and posted a bunch of stuff at once because I hate finding other people upload my stuff in low resolution and with absolutely no mention of me being the creator. I'm getting bored of wasting my time often on the same people to have them taken down on each occasion, so I've posted them myself. I don't plan to post anymore any time soon.
I expected backlash either way, so I figured doing it all at once would let the lot get buried quicker, but it seems most have been rated better than I expected. Yay? I guess.