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[Ura Meshiya (Maccha Neji)] Okaa-san Boku no Koto Sasotterun Daro? | Is my mother trying to seduce me? [English] [KeizerD]

[裏飯屋 (抹茶ねじ)] お母さんボクの事誘ってるんだろ? [英訳]

Posted:2023-04-10 04:39
Language:English  TR
File Size:49.24 MiB
Length:48 pages
Favorited:2084 times
Average: 4.59

Showing 1 - 40 of 48 images

Posted on 10 April 2023, 04:39 by:   KeizerD    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 10 April 2023, 07:01 by:   SteelBron    PM
Score +75
No pregnancy why does he never add pregnancy to the acual blood related incest with the mom.
Posted on 10 April 2023, 08:22 by:   sadpony305    PM
Score +22
no idea, ig he is working on something else
Posted on 10 April 2023, 09:14 by:   princepyre    PM
Score +31
prolly those with IUD. i heard they're 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy in women plus they're reversible unlike vasectomy where the chance of reversing is very low. also they can last from 3-10 years depending on the brand i think
Posted on 10 April 2023, 10:02 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +546
OG: やめてっ
TL: "Haa!"
ED: this isn't a moan

OG: おっ
TL: "Takahiro..."
ED: this is a moan

OG: 高広っ
TL: "Ha"
ED: this isn't a moan

OG: んん / んんん
TL: "Shlop" / "Shlop"
ED: this isn't sfx

OG: お願いやめてっ
TL: "Ha"
ED: this isn't a moan

OG: おおうっ
TL: "Splurrrt"
ED: this isn't sfx

OG: オナニーしてぬるぬるに汚したパンティを脱衣カゴに入れたり
TL: "And after masturbating he will leave my dirty and wet panties in the basket"
ED: she's not talking about her son

OG: 自ら息子のオカズになるような素振りをしていきました
TL: "I began to tempt my son and pretended as if nothing was wrong..."
ED: 2nd half is made up

OG: 夢で見たように息子に抱かれたい…
TL: "I want to be held by my son like in my dream..."
ED: held?

OG: 本当に一線を越える勇気が出なかったので / 妄想の中で楽しんでいたのですが
TL: "I don't know if I have the courage to cross that line..." / "But I'm having fun with my delusions..."
ED: she absolutely knows, she's enjoying her delusions because she doesn't

OG: だめよこんなっ
TL: "Haa"
ED: this isn't a moan

OG: お母さんのパンツがすっごく汚れてたり / やたらとパンツ見せてきたり
TL: "Leaving your dirty laundry in plain sight..." / "You were showing me your panties on purpose, weren't you?"
ED: he's just talking about how dirty her panties have been and then how carelessly she's been flashing him (as part of a list of things related to the next panel). you turned one list item into a separate clause (like pg 012)

OG: 私の中で再び解き放たれた熱い精子が膣内を満たしていき
TL: "My son's hot semen is filling my pussy..."
ED: missing detail, it's being released in her again (directly related to pg 21 and 22)

OG: 淡白な夫とは経験してないプレイを楽しんでる自分もいて…
TL: "I started to enjoy these sexual games that I had never experienced with my husband..."
ED: missing detail describing her husband

OG: すごいきもちいいっ
TL: "Anhh...harder!"
ED: she's not asking him for anything here

OG: コラ…
TL: "Haaa"
ED: this isn't a moan

i didn't really include them here but the majority of the handwritten bubbles seem to be made up?
Posted on 10 April 2023, 10:21 by:   EvilSanta    PM
Score +127
>Majority of the handwritten bubbles seem to be made up?

Has any of the uploaders TL's ever been accurate at all?

Stop ruining great doujins with your shitty TL.
Last edited on 10 April 2023, 12:14.
Posted on 10 April 2023, 10:54 by:   innyinny    PM
Score -100
guess its not just my translations that get nitpicked

the issue is if you are too literal it sounds shitty, and if you aren't literal enough someone nitpicks you for accuracy ..

many of the best reading translations with good flow and naturalization are very inaccurate at all, but sound BETTER in english (its almost like the translation is better than the original writing), i used to write mine like that but i got so much criticism i got hyper-focused on more accuracy and my translations read WORSE. so there is alot of subjectivity and balancing in translating

some of these aren't even errors at all, but ya a lot of the moans/sound effects are wrong

overall though its a good translation, thanks for sharing with the community
Posted on 10 April 2023, 11:11 by:   mattijo    PM
Score -100
@ Fuck those nitpickers. if they think they can do better translation they should do it themselves
Posted on 10 April 2023, 11:53 by:   blackkat101    PM
Score +265
I wouldn't really call it a nitpicker.

rsx205 has it right, so much of this has changed that it's not a translation at this point, but a rewrite (probably should be given said tag).

There is a difference between localizing something and just doing whatever the hell you want with the translation (since when that happens, you get what we get with Nintendo lately, like with their most recent poor localization in the FE:Engage....).
Posted on 10 April 2023, 12:10 by:   hamuxhamuxhamu    PM
Score +497
>guess it's not just my TLs that get nitpicked
Yeah, as it turns out, there isn't some grand conspiracy out to get YOU and only YOU, innyinny, you fucking nitwit. In the first place, this isn't even nitpicking,??? 80% of these bubbles are literally completely made up and/or missing details. Instead of having your head so far up your own ass that you're unable to comprehend what a mistake is, how bout you realise that the reason these galleries get tagged as rough TL is the simple fact that... they ARE rough TLs?

>some of these aren't even errors at all, but ya a lot of them are wrong
>overall it's a good translation

What in the flying fuck are you on about? Are you so utterly moronic that you're unable to comprehend basic logic? If a lot of the TL is wrong, then it's a fucking bad TL???

Stop talking out of your ass and making excuses for poor translations. Yes, translation is a complex job of balancing accuracy, flow, and intention. If you're shit at it, then learn to ask for advice, get better at the languages you're translating and take constructive criticism. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, as long as you learn from them. Don't delude yourself and others into thinking you're doing a "good job" by making excuses about how hard the job is.

You've been criticized for doing a poor job in the past, and instead of actually taking advice and trying to improve, you've doubled down on your low standards by making excuses and are actually trying to fucking encourage others to join you in your excuse-making. You're a goddamn embarrassment.
Posted on 10 April 2023, 14:26 by:   Kyuume    PM
Score +219
lmao even.

Brother, forget about all of that. You've done how many uploads now? And you still don't have the ability to punctuate correctly.
Honestly, if you can't even do something as simple as end your sentences in a full stop / period, I don't think your opinions hold any meaning.
And clearly you also don't know the meaning of nitpicking because it's not nitpicking when you are straight up wrong. Yes, translating has its nuances and people can have differing opinions on how a line can or should be translated. However, correcting someone on how 2+2=5 is wrong is not nitpicking.

It's laughable that you've seen all these errors pointed out to you and yet still feel okay with taking people's money away.
In fact, it's even funnier that you couldn't even bother proofreading the page where you ask people for money.
Posted on 10 April 2023, 14:52 by:   cybeast93    PM
Score +38
I don't see any nitpicking here. Also , @innyinny, bro idk who you are xd. Relax, no one's out there to get you.
Posted on 10 April 2023, 18:34 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +418
I also wanna remind people that taking money to do translations in the form of commissions massively raises the bar and expectations.

You offer paid services when you can't actually do them? That's called a scam.
Posted on 15 April 2023, 12:17 by:   kiwino    PM
Score +21
innyinny "the issue is if you are too literal it sounds shitty, and if you aren't literal enough someone nitpicks you for accuracy ..
many of the best reading translations with good flow and naturalization are very inaccurate at all, but sound BETTER in english (its almost like the translation is better than the original writing), i used to write mine like that but i got so much criticism i got hyper-focused on more accuracy and my translations read WORSE. so there is alot of subjectivity and balancing in translating""
Also how that comment even get -291, don't they usually hidden below 100 or e-hentai is broken?

Kyuume " don't think your opinions hold any meaning."
oh great, non consumer think theirs do.
Posted on 16 April 2023, 20:01 by:   lurphysmaw    PM
Score +92
"It takes a lot of effort to edit and translate"

While this is undoubtedly true, anyone paying real money for a "translation" usually expects a much higher level of quality.
Posted on 06 June 2023, 03:41 by:   animal2909    PM
Score +7
all moms deserve love ;)
Posted on 19 April 2024, 00:26 by:   Mr. Buddy    PM
Score +6
Posted on 03 November 2024, 07:24 by:   DarkReaper9526    PM
Score +2
Ablsote Cinema it was perfect

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