Theoretically, this belongs to Tales of Canterlot series, drawn during The Comictober of the year of 2022, along with Changing Room, Fantasy of Bimboing Out, and small vignette Velvet's Bimbofication. Practically, to my understanding thouse share ~nothing in terms of overarching narrative and could be digested individually, so at this juncture I do not really care about them belonging or not.
And yes - that restless hunk of junk is Big Macintosh.
Main story sequence (PNG+PDF in the torrent) + extras/followups. Artist's descriptions for some of the individual pages and promised wherein written prompt for a one of older pictures that by internal chronology takes place after this - in the torrent.
that's all correct, thanks for providing such a thorough explanation alongside the extra images that continue the story and all the places to find my work