A Flame Is Lit is a 3-chapter TFTG fantasy comic set in the Gateworld, a fantasy realm where the only solid rule is that there are no humans there. Whatever humans do exist only exist for a short while because they will inevitably be turned into any one of the Gateworld's different sentient races, wild beasts or even ancient trees. This comic follows the transformation of a human named Tyson whose arrival in the Gateworld opens their eyes to a new reality of being a Demon woman who choses the name Tybee once her transformation is complete.
This comic and most of my TF/TG art is supported by my generous and lovely patrons on Patreon. If you'd like to see pinups or the latest comics a month earlier than the rest of the world, why not take a quick gander?
Every dollar is guaranteed to not be eaten by geese.