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[Vivian] Interplanetary Wrestling

Posted:2023-04-15 00:34
File Size:7.70 MiB
Length:21 pages
Favorited:172 times
Average: 4.07

Showing 1 - 21 of 21 images

Posted on 15 April 2023, 22:19 by:   giovannileanza    PM
Score +8
Very nice detail on page 13 (bottom panel). Why indeed, is it always implied in various media that giants move slow and cumbersome so the tiny heroes are always able to defeat the giant because of their wits and speed. You know those scenes where giant person wants to smash the hero with their hands or feet and it comes down slowly so the hero always has time to get away just in time and stuff like that?

This comic be like: Fuck that, this is how it really goes. Meara isn't stupid (a bit perverted but that's fine) and doesn't move as if she's underwater.
Posted on 16 April 2023, 22:13 by:   historycomp    PM
Score +20
Gone from COVID, of all things... what a loss. Who would have guessed from all those virus scares over the years that this one was somewhat genuine? I remember in the beginning I thought it was just going to be SARS 2.0.
Posted on 19 May 2023, 03:14 by:   Gojii    PM
Score -2
China tried to act like it wasn't a problem initially and let it spread everywhere and then suddenly locked it down once it became more obvious when it got into Europe. vivian was one of the earliest victims who I knew of as CCP tried downplaying the severity. Truly sad. A genuinely kind person too from what many have said who actually had the chance to interact with her.
Posted on 24 September 2024, 16:31 by:   Pla153    PM
Score +6
Gojii. You are a brainwashed person who took Chinese government as another USA government. Once COVID-19 is required as a new infectious disease, the whole Wuhan city is blocked for more than two months, even duiring the Chinese New Year. And thousands of doctors from the whole country went to make medical assistance. If your word is true, China won't be the country report it to WHO, and Wuhan won't be the only city being blocked. But very sad the US government did nothing. And the US president Donald Trump, he blamed China when it close customs at beginning, and speak Covid as "China virus" while it losing control in America. China has tried it best to prevent Covid become a worldwide problem, and most of the country didn't solve problems at the very beginning. The capitalism country took ecnomic way more importan than their people's lives, and their citizens believes they have their stupid "freedom" so they just spread virus around and won't care about others lives. As a result, millions of Americans died duiring the pandamic. And now you confusing the cause with the effect, say it's China's fault. WTF. Did you know how hard for a Chinese to travle to other cities duiring the pandamic? Over ten thousand of doctors and nurses abandoned their new year holiday and work in another city for months. And the rest of doctors and nurses stayed in their own honspital just to make sure the virus won't flee from hospital. China did a sharp drop in economic activity at that time, just to keep people alive. And you said it's downplaying? It's the western think China was make a big fuss over a minor issue. It's the western govenments to responsible for this, not China government. How dare you blame CPC at this point.

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