003 OG: IQの高い賢い子に育てるにはお腹の中から教育が必要ですのよ TL: "If you want to raise a smart child with a high IQ, you have to teach him from the time he's born" ED: the child is still in the womb
004 OG: 塾の方は順調かしら? TL: "How's school going" ED: she's specifically talking about cram school not compulsory education
OG: 教育熱心な両親 TL: "Parents are very devoted to your education" ED: this is not a general statement
OG: 尊敬できる兄として立派な大学へ進学してもらわなきゃねえ〜うふふっ TL: "As a respected big brother, I want him to go to a great university" ED: makes no sense to have the mother also be a respected big brother
005 OG: おーい元気か〜い♪…おっ今動いたぞ! TL: "Hey, how are you?" ED: omitted 2nd sentence
OG: 離れていく両親の自分への関心 TL: "Parents' interest in me is growing" ED: complete opposite
OG: うふふっあなたったら TL: "You..." ED: this is a term of endearment in this context
OG: 徐々に変化していく日常の変化に TL: "Gradual changes in your daily life..." ED: pronoun mixup, whose daily life?
006 OG: 遅いなぁまた遅刻だぞ? TL: "You're late. You're late again." ED: he's not saying the same thing twice. one is a complaint, the other is a warning
OG: それ以来こうして放課後に弱みを握られた僕を呼び出して TL: "And ever since then, he's been calling me up after school, like a henchman" ED: he doesn't mention anything about henchmen here
OG: まるで子分のようにいろいろな指示をするようだなったからだ TL: "He's been calling me up after school and telling me what to do like he's my henchman" ED: who's the henchman?
007 OG: 宮元の指示する命令に背く事は絶対服従だ TL: "Disobedience to Miyamoto's orders is absolute obedience" ED: this makes no sense
OG: あれ以来僕は彼に様々な犯罪の片棒を担がされてきた TL: "Since then, I've been accused of a variety of crimes by him" ED: he isn't being accused by Miyamoto of the crimes