his name is Fuguri Yuuta (布栗雄太), not Nunokuri Yuta
edit: that explains some of the odd word choices
004 OG: 俺は強くなりたい!俺の求めているのは本当の強さだ! TL: "I need to be strong! I need to be truly fierce!" ED: he's searching for true strength
OG: 俺は卑怯な奴にはなりたくない!正々堂々と戦って勝利したいんだ! TL: "I can't be weak! I must fight fair and win!" ED: he doesn't want to be dirty/underhanded (directly related to the sentence right after)
005 OG: あいつの運動神経はハンパじゃないぜ!雄太はやっぱり百戦錬磨の勇将だ! TL: "His skills are not to be underestimated! Yuta is a brave leader who has won a hundred fights!" ED: he's a seasoned veteran
007 OG: 僕の欲望に適うような根性ある男は1人もいなかった… TL: "I have never met a man who had the guts to satisfy my desires..." ED: your MTL gave you "guts" but using it in this say makes it about courage, which he isn't talking about (directly related to next line)
OG: あの布栗雄太という男…あいつこそ僕が求めていた性奴隷に相応しい存在だ!! TL: "That man, Yuta Nunokuri......he is the perfect sex slave I've been looking for!!" ED: his name is Yuuta Fuguri
011 OG: この前用務室に行ったらシャワー室の盗撮ビデオ見ながらシコってたぞ TL: "The other day I went to the janitor's quarters and I saw him jerking off in the shower watching a dirty video" ED: he wasn't in the shower watching a dirty video
017 OG: これを吸引した奴は筋力が30%に低下し子供くらいの力しか出せなくなるんだ! TL: "Anyone who inhales it will have their strength reduced to roughly 30% of that of a child!" ED: he's not saying they'll have 30% of a child's strength
OG: それを使ってどうしようって言うんだ? TL: "What do you want for it?" ED: he's asking about Shigekuma's intentions
Honestly every time I run a sentence containing his full name through my translator it comes out with a different surname and I have no idea what is actually correct, but it does consistently say Yuta, not Yuuta, which is also how his name is spelled in issues translated by other people.
Edit: Since you clearly speak Japanese, why are you even reading the translated version? I'm guessing you're specifically looking for mistakes you can point out to make yourself feel superior.