Erin the "human" gets really horny on a sexy alien planet; she must go on an epic journey down the block and get the help she desperately needs and some other stuff happens. Also; nothing makes sense because the author wanted to publish chapter 5 first for some reason.
A lot of this anatomy really reads like it was made by someone who thinks butts are gross but anal is cool, and doesn't understand that there's a whole bunch of stuff that you can really easily do to make anal not gross and not involve poop, so they just turn it into Vagina Part Two Electric Boogaloo. This is evidenced by the fact that they draw a LOT of attention to HEY IT SECRETES VAGINAL LUBRICANT INSTEAD OF POOP LOOK REALLY CLOSE AT THIS VERY SPECIFIC DETAIL PLEASE.
Just type "how to make anal sex clean" and you won't be grossed out by it anymore. That simple.
Base +8, someguyorother227 +6, Old Shoe -6, Bio Folf +6, hellocakeguy -6, Pierzak -6, Zoro the Gallade +11