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Nill Sombras

Posted:2023-04-26 13:24
File Size:4.22 MiB
Length:16 pages
Favorited:17 times
Average: 2.54

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Posted on 26 April 2023, 13:24 by:   Scoptophil    PM
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Nill Sombras
Posted on 26 April 2023, 13:32 by:   getalife    PM
Score +12
A translation of the text on page 2

At the time this comic was created, Seiren did not yet exist. It arose from an idle conversation with a friend, in one of those situations of "...and if you could fulfill a crazy fantasy, what would you do?" It wasn't a very detailed idea, just thrown in the air and then we started talking about other things.
I found that intriguing and a few months later I decided to draw, just for the sake of drawing, without any more sophisticated technical elaboration. Just pencil and sulphite and then pen and watercolor. I showed the result to my friend and she liked it, commented and we laughed. The comic went to a drawer and stayed there for a long time, until Seiren was created and it was scanned and thrown on the net, more to fill a hole than anything else, because in the beginning Seiren was just a collection of dropped pages of stories I thought would never get published. It was a surprise the amount of praise and the same proportion of criticism, many of which were extremely aggressive, accusing it of encouraging violence against women. If on the one hand there was the irony of the original idea having been created by a woman, there was also a serious misconception, often repeated to this day, about an artistic fantasy influencing a person's decision to practice or not, what they read. As if a violent video game or action movie could be blamed for increasing violence. In my opinion, the person who is willing to commit an act of violence against a woman, a child or any other individual does not need the excuse of a movie, a video game or a comic book. People have good ideas and bad ideas within them. And in the middle of these two concepts there are also fantasies. Fantasies are neither right nor wrong. How we use them is what sets us apart.

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