1.大家好啊~许久不见,反正我是裂开了,祝大家看的开心吧,如果有特别特别想看的标签可以和我说,我尝试制作。 2.我好累哦最近,因为个人原因吧,这部漫画完结后我可能要停笔很久一段时间~ 3.有什么好的想法可以在下方留言,我会仔细观看的。 4.大家可以通过Fanbox赞助观看本章之后两章作品,也可以通过面包多打赏哦~ 5.最后,祝大家劳动节多劳动哦~ 6.762040508可以来群里聊天,但是只能聊天哦!!! URL: Fanbox:https://latexcleopatra.fanbox.cc/ Mianbaoduo:https://mbd.pub/o/Cleopatra (Hello everyone~Long time no see. Anyway, I've cracked it. Have a good time reading it. If you have any special tags you want to see, you can tell me and I'll try making them. 2. I'm so tired. Recently, due to personal reasons, I may have to stop writing for a long time after this comic is finished~ 3. If you have any good ideas, please leave a message below and I will carefully watch. 4. You can watch the latest works through Fanbox sponsorship, or you can give more rewards through bread~ 5. Finally, I wish everyone a lot of work on Labor Day~)