Extracted with Garbro v1.5.44. Encryption bypassed by choosing Kiss&Crisis in the 'try to guess box. Original file type was webp, so i had to convert it to make the gallery.
Yeah, me too, at first. So i searched for another ypf extractor and found Yuris text replacer. It didn't work either. Found arc_conv, on github but it has no executable, it is used with command lines and i don't know anything about that. I was getting a little bit desperate so when i read about an obscure 2015 chinese version of arc_conv with an .exe i went for it, against my better judgement. I found it on a old chinese site but couldn't find how to download the fucker. After half an hour of stupidly clicking everywhere, an adress bar trick did the job and i got my prize. It could have been a malware but i assumed that viruses usually don't run away from being downloaded so i opened it. It looked legit however the program didn't start. Bummer. I decided to let it go and started to clean up the mess.
That's when i saw something that that shouldn't have been there, in the middle of my download page.
You see, when i was on that chinese site clicking like an idiot, i somehow downloaded another ypf extractor without noticing. It was Garbro. Good old Garbro. Older Garbro actually, version 1.4 something. Maybe an older version would work? i mused like a bitch. It didn't make much sense, i was coping hard. Tried it immediately, and of course it failed. The try to guess box was laughing at me. I took it personally. I didn't want to fucking lose so i decided to take all the guesses. Each one after the other.
The 12th one opened it. Glorious victory.
Neko Hearth something, i don't remember. I went back to the newest version of Garbro and Kiss&Crisis is the guess that did the job first this time. v1.5.44 has way more guesses and Neko is lower on the list but it works too. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other winning guesses, i didn't tried them all. I suppose that the morale of the story is that sometimes walls break before the idiot's head who's bashing on it. I just hope to be able to continue to rely on Garbro for many games to come. Clockup anounced a new game, and Ori is still in limbo. Let's wait and see.