Look, your art is alright, content is kinda basic. But what you REALLY need to work on is typesetting, punctuation, and please for the love of God get better fonts. Just doing that will elevate this work from being meh, to maybe decent. After that is just a matter of making spicy content. Go check out how groups like Head Empty and RedLantern scans do typesetting and the kind of fonts they use.
Base +11, MarklesMcReedleston +5, j_7 +6, Horshoe +6
If you are going to use "prettier" as the title and focus of your comic, at least make sure it sounds natural to the reader. The way it is now, any seriousness or weight the scene had is ruined by the bad english making it seem like a stupid joke.
"I'm sorry Makima... Himeno is just so much prettier than you right now." Is how you would use prettier in this context.
Even then, prettier and pretty are not used as much in sexual or romantic context anymore. The word has a more innocent shallow and childish connotation. When describing a woman you are about to have sex with, beautiful or sexy would be more appropriate.
Ask a native english speaker if your words sound natural next time. That way you can have a pleasing story to go with good artwork.
Art 7. Plot 4. Sexiness 4. Translation 3. True to character 7. All out of 10.