Fan translation by me, might go back and do the other chapter that hasn't been translated yet if i get time. This is my first translation so sorry if it sucks, I tried my best!
003 OG: こいつがここの店長で長川です TL: "This here is the store manager, Nakagawa" ED: his name is Nagakawa
OG: えへへ話には聞いてたけどこんなに可愛い人がねぇよっよろしく… TL: "(Eeeh? He told me about her but he never mentioned she was this cute...) N-nice to meet you" ED: not sure why the first part is in parentheses and refers to the wife in third person. he says it directly to her
014 OG: 追えっ TL: "*follows*" ED: this is spoken dialogue
015 OG: 何処行った?店内にいる筈探せ! TL: "Where did she go? Split up and look!" ED: he explicitly mentions she should still be in the store (directly related to next page)
016 OG: 居たか? TL: "Did you see where she went?" ED: he's just asking if she was there
OG: ダメ居なかった TL: "Nope, didn't have time" ED: idk why you rewrote this interaction but he doesn't talk about running out of time (directly related to prev page and next bubble)
017 OG: だろうな…無理があるけど TL: "Right, I know its[sic] impossible but..." ED: these are standalone thoughts, he mulls over possibility and then brushes it off (directly related to prev and next lines)
020 OG: はぁはぁ TL: "Haha" ED: this isn't laughter, you repeat this mistake throughout btw
OG: 記念に…はぁはぁやべぇ良いのかなぁ TL: "*snaps pictures* To remember this event...Damn I wonder if it's ok?" ED: this is all spoken dialogue
025 OG: もう無理…!ゆるしてぇ TL: "No-..No more~ Forgive me" ED: she's not asking for forgiveness