Base +6, Dafurko -10, Kunopes -25, Phong0401 -7, No_Communication -2, Yanoma -2, Barry Pug -4, Phoenix_711 +6, jaq847 +8, Shiro_ Ecchi +10, maddeath -7, Orion.Quest -1, paradox0001 -7, and 28 more...
Posted on 06 May 2023, 15:22 by:
Bound Score
Base +6, jaq847 -8, maddeath +7, paradox0001 +7, londoxyz -14, xpLosIve93 -5, Xeonith +8, Barry Pug +4, Omorpheus -6, bddha1315 +6, trebortress +6, VanoRockDemon -7, SomeRandomGuy1204 -6, and 10 more...
Base +3, cpwt4567 +2, Barry Pug -4
Base +6, kurai_akuma -6, Xeonith +8, Barry Pug +4, LittleSweetLoli +30, Moyaguo +7, brendonhk7 +8, skywolf27 +7, Sis76 +3, Lilisionnach +11