Base +8, TheFreeMarket -6, Chedring -6, QnecroV -6, Higers -7, painfool +6, Tammas_Dexter -7, efb -6, Bane13 -30, FarbrorPierre -6, thenewdrax +7, demonxlol -6, RaizelX +7, and 71 more...
Base +6, cg8 +10, MehMeher +6, EnricoVIII +6, Morkai123 +6, kazeno88 -7, stopwatch -6, DarkDZ +7, koriyan -7, Herstal +4, cloudst4r +6, Jewtoo +7, EmptyLine +6, and 14 more...
Base +6, cg8 +10, MehMeher +6, Herstal +4, cloudst4r +6, cookiey -6, Sugarsparkle -10
Posted on 20 June 2023, 06:25 by:
Shadow66 Score
Base +8, Rat o3o +10, stopwatch -6, DarkDZ +7, koriyan -7, Herstal +4, cloudst4r +6, grandmastersiege +18, jl17gerg +6, racevel -10, Azaertes -1, cookiey -6, _albedo_ +6, and 7 more...
Base +6, Rat o3o -10, stopwatch -6, PAWGFiend +4, koriyan +7, Herstal +4, DarkDZ +7, racevel -10, Eliiik -7, TheSPNCupcake -7, Lupoi -6
Base +11, koriyan -7, Herstal +4, DarkDZ +7, grandmastersiege +18, racevel -10, Azaertes -1, cookiey -6, _albedo_ +6, Eliiik -7, cloudst4r +6, Lupoi +6, kalidos555 +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 14 October 2023, 19:57 by:
Venesti Score
Base +6, Eliiik -7, kray666 +10, Blue_Shift2000 +6, cookiey -6, Lupoi -6