Posted on 10 May 2023, 21:20 by:
古明地板栗 Base +2, wjjmykg +5, Ծ^Ծ +15, YuuNecro +5, jrkad +6, xvyun233 +1
Base +18, YuuNecro +5, lxbzy +2, 亜ぉふさ」 +6, wjjmykg +5, tokikorin +6, Ծ^Ծ +15, Laike2016 +7, Forge-16B +4, Axton_Corporal +6, VOV001 +6, 無何有之鄉 +5, asdfg10235 +6, and 26 more...
Last edited on 11 May 2023, 19:31.
Base +2, somebody123456789 -5, IsaacMCoreleone -6, 星の渦 +4, 我叫吴老二 +6, AAAA07server -2, z2y +6, lanpeiluji -7, hakiser -3, ChuLiuying +6
Posted on 11 May 2023, 02:45 by:
vPhone Score
Base +5, Laike2016 +7, Axton_Corporal +6, VOV001 +6, asdfg10235 +6, 天壤劫火 +6, 星の渦 +4, rouuku +6, superwry +12, horoka_kosaka +6, 林檎的RIN +7, Five9 +6, 我叫吴老二 +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 11 May 2023, 16:10 by:
古明地板栗 Score
Base +1, rouuku -6, baihaha -6, YuuNecro -5, superwry -12, horoka_kosaka -6, 星の渦 -4, youanisdead -5, ExiaR7 -5, Five9 -6, kaogao8 -5, wenlingji -1, 时间骑士 -3, and 44 more...
Base +6, AAAA07server +2, z2y +6, cocofran +5, jrkad +6, day233 +7, stffggg +2, xvyun233 +1, 秘封病患者 +4, omo3353913 +4, crazyroach +6, ILoveCannedfish +6, Gmig0_AGAR +7, and 5 more...
Posted on 16 May 2023, 15:44 by:
Lageuus Score
Base +4, 秘封病患者 +4