Base +30, Astartes91 +6, Forgunia +9, SilentSlime +6, kemono69 +10, Kiranta -6, Azriel_Satan +6, Brosex +6, ThirdEye +6, Nimble Thimble +6, Tarball +13, shinedota +7, xxard -8, and 9 more...
Posted on 16 May 2023, 05:27 by:
meer2703 Score
Base +6, Chainjailhunter +6, MagB +6, Prof. Tree +9, eatmychidori +6, Wilfriback +18, Blackcloud288 -6, xxard -8, SirFishglas +6, gamerzzz1 -8, ADIN0 +6, Anubert +6
Posted on 16 May 2023, 10:08 by:
errata Score
Base +14, thirtyeight0169 -6, goldra +6, CG2324 -5, lonewanderer101 +7, eatmychidori +6, BaperNu +9, BarriaKarl +6, crazyjimmyDUDE +6, Shinryu-Rex +11, Azriel_Satan +6, Jomamma64 +6, Brosex +6, and 27 more...
Base +6, suratkabar +23, ADIN0 +6, YetAnotherPerson +6
Posted on 24 July 2023, 15:04 by:
AhumanRS Score
Base +20, Hardart +6, gamerzzz1 -8, Pierzak -6, ADIN0 +6, Phatsanta -7