Base +8, Endgenesis -11, Masterzero -6, maxnight -6, spsonic64 +6, Nightwolf5251 +6, craisin +6, PinguPrin +7, corruptedcode +7, ^qqqqq^ +6, sssss465 +6, imonlyhere4porn +6, Picksbro +6, and 7 more...
Base +18, 1337boot +10, GeneralButt +6, PinguPrin +7, ChronicLogic +6, Zuren +6, elwendys +6, El Monsieur +6, anon2222 +6, Lelouch Di Britannia -6, flopating +6, Ashvinoth +7, CxHxA +6, and 6 more...
Base +4, GeneralButt -6, vert790 -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Vormik -7, ucm186 -14, rikudosennin -6, raki-suta22 -6, YuzuJuice -11, Elbowsmash -6, Muffinslover +6, ThanatosNebula76 -8, flopating -6, and 12 more...
Base +11, Haerane +11, imonlyhere4porn +6, MelmothTheWanderer +38, Vormik +7, ucm186 +14, @Inkblot +28, Citrouile +6, CX~DeribuRa +30, Manakemia +7, Videogamingfreak13 +7, rikudosennin +6, raki-suta22 +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 17 May 2023, 02:32 by:
Zaiup Score
Base +6, raki-suta22 -6, Perviku -6, Elbowsmash -6, Lelouch Di Britannia +6, Ingeniousxx +4, rikudosennin -6, Coledas Ukgent -12, falafelswoop -6, kentrell leonard69 -6, Weisschen -6, Jenkitsune -10
Base +4, Elbowsmash -6, Muffinslover +6, ThanatosNebula76 -8, edson -14, Ingeniousxx +4, rikudosennin -6, Coledas Ukgent -12, falafelswoop -6, kentrell leonard69 -6, snufflingwinter -6, Weisschen -6, Jenkitsune -10
Base +6, anon2222 +6, Weisschen +6, Jenkitsune -10