this is an archive of everything found on ehentai with the tags mother and english in the doujinshi catagory
the archive is in the torrent section it will take me 10 or 20 min after making the galerry to make the torrent so pls dont delete straight away
im in the process of archiving the manga catagory but ran out of credits so donations of gp or whatever would be appriciated if thats even a thing idk
this archive does not include anthing with the following tags m:scat :shotacon m:toddlercon m:yaoi f:lolicon f:scat f:toddlercon
please complain in the comments with issues so i can fix them in version 2 issues like broken archive files, not original images, stuff i missed while archiving or just any issue at all
ill be releasing a version 1.01 with error correction and ill be doing either monthly or quarterly update packs with new content
also let me know if i should put releases into folders such as artist or should it be ordered by date?