so . just a couple of drawings. there was a series in the animated series where Rebeka climbed into the jungle for truffles and ended up with cannibals.
08. vacation in the jungle. you can find adventure on your ass. food , all inclusive . what is in stock then eat.
10-11. drew two more drawings in a series. an attempt to leave the hospitable settlement failed.
12.Excellent day. No ! please me, die not on this day. the day is good. 13. Look what we caught in the forest. take advantage of this. 14. you put in more effort. otherwise it may seem to the locals that I do not respect their traditions.
15. will you help me escape? No . I took a blood oath and observe local customs. helping you is theft. locals know jungle better I'll be killed for this.
16. what should I do ? I can win the right to you in a competition; your value among the locals is equal to livestock.
17.Rebecca is outraged
18 - 19 a couple of drawings in a series. The adventurer explains to Rebecca that she is a food supply for the tribe during times of famine.
20-21 A little performance for Rebecca
22-24 Insurance in case of escape or violation of commands. Rebecca was told that this was witchcraft. In fact, psychotropic substances, hypnosis and suggestion. Similar stories circulated about Voodoo sorcerers and how sorcerers made zombies out of people