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(FF35) [Pencilbox] Gensho no Haha 2 (Fate/Grand Order) [English] [GhostieTLs]

(FF35) [鉛筆盒、魚乾] 原初之母2 (Fate/Grand Order) [英訳]

Posted:2023-05-25 04:12
Language:English  TR
File Size:74.66 MiB
Length:28 pages
Favorited:444 times
Average: 2.74

Showing 1 - 28 of 28 images

Posted on 25 May 2023, 04:12 by:   ghostpr21    PM
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Posted on 25 May 2023, 04:28 by:   Legna07734    PM
Score +57
Where is 中国語?
It's at P26.
Posted on 25 May 2023, 05:05 by:   simm    PM
Score +26
You could not get a blanket if you ask for carpet, carpet is placed on ground. Ah, I see, chinese, knee you need carpet!
Posted on 25 May 2023, 05:31 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +231
not only did you leave it tagged as Chinese, but I also don't think you fully got the gist of what you were trying to m/tl

OG: 花了三小時總算救回來了別再給我搞事啊
TL: "You two need to stop making trouble"
ED: she's saying it took 3 hours to finally resuscitate him, and then says not to cause anymore trouble

OG: 是...為什麼又是我
TL: "Hey...I had nothing to do with that"
ED: she accepts the scolding, and then under her breath she asks why she's being singled out

OG: 真沒用,區區水花就嗆暈害我又要當保母
TL: "Guess I'll have to babysit him"
ED: she's upset she has to be a caretaker again and ridicules him for passing out because of splashing around (and drowning) in the water

OG: 母親大人有什麼事嗎?
TL: "What is it, mother?"
ED: she's asking what's wrong (in response to the pointing)

OG: 您說這是特效藥?
TL: "You're saying this is a special medicine?"
ED: especially effective medicine

OG: 裡面有您的魔力喔沒問題嗎?
TL: "And it has your magic?"
ED: missing the 2nd part, she asks if there will be any problems

OG: 一小匙
ED: small spoonful (directly related to next panel)

OG: 好險只餵一點您的魔力太強啦凡人受不了的
TL: "Your magic is too strong for humans. Even just a little can do this"
ED: she starts off by saying how risky it is and so she just fed him a little (directly related to prev panel), then she talks about how strong her magical power is, especially for mortals

OG: 母親大人,我們得想辦法排出魔力否則小鬼真的會出問題
TL: "We need to find a way to extract your magic or we'll be in trouble"
ED: she's saying the boy might really end up with issues (be in trouble). I know you're trying to rewrite this with the next bubble but it's a completely different statement

OG: 真給人添麻煩
TL: "Big trouble"
ED: they're saying he's troublesome

OG: 前所未有的尺寸濃郁的味道
TL: "It looks rather big. Tasty too"
ED: she's saying the size and smell/flavor are unmatched

OG: 肉棒熱騰騰的舌頭會不會燙傷呢
TL: "So hot. My tongue is burning up"
ED: she's wondering if her tongue will end up getting burnt

OG: 尿道深處在翻騰
TL: "Churning his insides"
ED: she specifically mentions his urethra (matches the artwork)

OG: 蛋蛋看來也不能輕鬆放過 呼呼
TL: "I won't let you go so easily"
ED: specifically won't let go of his balls

OG: 您想親自跟小鬼嗎?這太勞煩您了...
TL: "You want to nurse him?"
ED: missing 2nd line, she says she wouldn't be able to handle him

OG: 我知道了由我來把風吧
TL: "If it's not too much trouble then sure"
ED: she has the idea of being a lookout/watching over her

Posted on 25 May 2023, 05:39 by:   Kyuume    PM
Score +189
What is the point of pretending you know how to "translate"?
Of all the things you could do to chase clout, why the fuck did you choose this?
You know you're only lying to yourself and everyone by saying you "translated" this.
Posted on 25 May 2023, 06:28 by:   jiuyue    PM
Score +20
Posted on 25 May 2023, 14:53 by:   EvilSanta    PM
Score +109
God fucking damn it. You get hype about a new Tiamat doujin to then see the low rating.

Lo and behold it's fucking MTL.

Stop ruining doujins with your shit TL attempts.

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