03: I... like i'm doing => (incoherent?) / It... It's like i'm doing / I... like doing 03: I embarrassed => I'm embarrassed 03: i'll start shaving [...] ? => can i start shaving [...] ? 03: under hair => (incoherent) / pubic hair / hair down there 05: please gathers! => please gather! 06: shave all of mine => (no one else's is mentioned) / shave it all 07: Wtat => What 07: It's gentle shave => It's such a gentle shave (?) 07: Is it okay to let Mayumi senior => Is it okay to let Mayumi senior do this? 08: you... beautiful... => you're... beautiful... 08/24: You cool => You're (so) cool 09: let's take a turn => let's switch 10: they => (wrong person?) / she 10: Tomato's lovely hands shaving => (wrong number + missing verb) / Tomato's lovely hand's shaving 10: I feeling => I'm feeling 11: delicious-looking... => It looks (so) delicious... 12: I got the same as your vagina... => (technically not the vagina) / My pussy is the same as yours... 12: good ventilation... => (awkward) / It's breezy... 13: This photo is... I will treasure this => I will treasure... this photo... 13: bring her tennis => bring her tennis uniform 14: No? => You don't want to? / You don't like this? 17: cool down => calm down (?) 18: Sandwich's...? => (The) sandwich...? 18: your preference isn't just... udon => you don't only like... udon 18: I don't think "udon" launch box => I don't think udon is a launch box (?) 19: You very => You're very 19: something i can't always do => something i usually can't do (?) 20: Me... I => I... I 22: Love this flavor => I love this flavor 22: Senior's tongue, so naughty => Senior's tongue is so naughty 22: i'd pick => i'll pick (?) 25: my anal => my anus 25: Mayumi senior's cute little i was looking at her butt hole => I was looking at Mayumi senior's cute little butt hole 26: Pussy, too => (I'll lick) Your pussy, too 29: on each other with Mayumi-senior => on Mayumi senior's