Hi guys, this is my first try at making a whole comic using Stable Diffusion and GIMP. It took me quite some time to make this, so hopefully it was worth the work and you guys enjoy it.
I know you guys are pretty sceptical about AI Art here but I do feel that's because a lot of the AI work that's posted here is very low-effort. If you have any criticism or suggestions for improvement, feel free to leave them here in the comments. I am happy about every suggestion!
Two quick criticisms at a glance: 1) The transparency of her top varies quite a bit, and actually seems most transparent in images 2/3 when she's smallest. If you're going to include sheer clothing you might want to do an inpainting pass later on, airbrushing sone skintone into the shirt and then inpainting the area to blend. 2) You've got to be more diligent about removing extra fingers and adjusting hand poses. Image 6 is a great example: The right hand has a wierd thumb thing snaking up her ribcage, and the left hand thumb has a double fingernail thing going on.
Base +7, imanoterone +6, sandren +6, CakePlease +6