Posted on 29 April 2023, 16:38 by:
cwlcc Score
Base +6, shinnying -2, peach tea -3, baka6 -6, dannywei -9, Arthur_Shining -2, 鬼鸦子 -6, obliviousilence -3, yigayuon -5, fgu7685 -6, scp-1006 -10, Avenger03 -6, Jylwd -2, and 86 more...
Base +6, 呵呵1 -6, yigayuon -5, Avenger03 +6, Jylwd +2, 鬼鸦子 +6, yogsos +4, ionfire +6, saimiin +6, zhang105 -6, Moresbly +1, yxy0818539 +5, kgfhdshfsd +6, and 35 more...
Posted on 12 May 2023, 17:28 by:
kyu7676 Score
Base +6, Jylwd +2, xy15479 +6, ds2333 +2, 鬼鸦子 +6, yogsos +4, ionfire +6, zhang105 -6, yxy0818539 +5, 中二绝望病 -6, Skyhappy -7, dQwQn +5, 冰蓝幻境 +6, and 19 more...
Base +5, KagasakiYoichi +6, Bambinbo +6, nonmad000 +3, 绛疯子 +6, DESPAIRLAST +6, 極死七夜 -7, karabiner98k +6, peach tea -3, Duena +4, pdlcxsyx +5, 942563 +9, Khadgar2 +6, and 1 more...
Base +4, zeroztk1 -6, Khadgar2 +6
Posted on 15 June 2023, 06:16 by:
麦芽V糖 Score
Base +6, fengqishi +6, Bambinbo +6, nonmad000 +3, DESPAIRLAST +6, 極死七夜 -7, 天启D +6, karabiner98k +6, Duena +4, pdlcxsyx +5, zeroztk1 -6, 常封癫一郎 +3, F3bb +3, and 1 more...
Posted on 30 June 2023, 06:36 by:
fanboshi Score
Base +12, 四叶酱哒哒哒 +4, DESPAIRLAST +6, 極死七夜 -7, karabiner98k +6, dQwQn +5, peach tea -3, Duena +4, pdlcxsyx +5, zeroztk1 -6, holy15514 +1, preeid +1, shjxx +16
Posted on 15 August 2023, 21:13 by:
uto2000 Score
Base +6, 小非哉 +6