Base +12, DiedrichVK -8, ElementFD +26, flash11 +23, kanoon48 +9, czerkill +10, illegalcheese -9, blaickcorp -6, Smity9616 +7, Harkoz2 +6, neo_skyline +24, iryohz +6, nonamethanks +23, and 9 more...
Posted on 05 July 2023, 02:51 by:
catbonus Score
Base +5, ElementFD -26, sony6916 -7, Lewdovico -15, flash11 -23, Wakarimasen25 -7, innocentpanda -7, illegalcheese +9, blaickcorp +6, Smity9616 -7, Chunga -19, LingeringMemories -15, LeisureLarry -9, and 19 more...
Posted on 05 July 2023, 11:58 by:
catbonus Score
Base +5, darkspirit +7, hentfreak22 -10, WildCrow -13, flash11 -23, fanoneanong -6, iryohz -6, fatboy213 +6, nonamethanks -23, 2HuMaster -6, theamdrag -7, kanoon48 -9, Zwagon -11, and 10 more...
Posted on 08 July 2023, 07:59 by:
xarrawr Score
Base +9, Penultimate +6, 2HuMaster -6, Reitoku +6, theamdrag -7, kanoon48 -9, Zwagon -11, Scumbini -30, stalker2 -6, DiedrichVK +8, Tarball -13, joget7 +16, Noret +6, and 5 more...