Posted on 14 July 2023, 18:58
Base +39, fp555 +9, abbadem +6, otokobloke +6, sonictmp -7, Tulipanzo +6, sligh3 +9, wodrak +6, Slartiparpfast +6, Gentleman Chimera +8, Tsuki27558 +6, Drekan -7, Tsilkani +7, and 120 more...
Base +4, otokobloke +6, sonictmp -7, Tulipanzo +6, sligh3 +9, wodrak +6, Slartiparpfast +6, Tsuki27558 +6, uchimatan -11, Dracolich5 -9, Drekan -7, Mitroyah -7, shintsurugi -16, and 136 more...
Posted on 06 July 2023, 09:09 by:
Coin.01 Score
Base +6, Slartiparpfast +6, Gentleman Chimera -8, Tsuki27558 +6, uchimatan -11, Drekan -7, Mitroyah -7, feixiang、 -6, Tom1561 -7, Orpheus705 -10, xboxboy939495 -26, bookie -8, ji bob -7, and 136 more...
Posted on 06 July 2023, 10:25 by:
misael21 Score
Base +7, uchimatan +11, Michelle465 +7, riwjin +8, Drekan +7, Mitroyah +7, Tsilkani -7, shintsurugi +16, Sheran +9, bookie +8, Tulipanzo -6, Erazorix +1, Absolute_Jushin +10, and 84 more...
Base +39, Drekan -7, bookie -8, ji bob +7, whatzah20 -6, Tulipanzo +6, Hraugr -10, IngmarS +7, neoncamo +6, blasterbrony +6, Nihaii +5, Intro +6, Moustached -6, and 45 more...
Last edited on 08 July 2023, 21:38.
Base +6, Mitroyah +7, zombieporen +6, shintsurugi +16, Hraugr +10, IngmarS +7, golfslave +7, neoncamo -6, Nihaii +5, MJTH +8, darkpenetrator69 +12, Pinges +6, KeksxY1 +6, and 43 more...
Base +4, Drekan -7, uchimatan -11, Mitroyah -7, Tsilkani +7, Orpheus705 -10, xboxboy939495 -26, bookie -8, whatzah20 -6, Tulipanzo +6, Erazorix -1, Zorlock -6, Supyeet +6, and 81 more...
Posted on 06 July 2023, 12:24 by:
blobtt Score
Base +2, Mitroyah +7, Tsilkani -7, xboxboy939495 +26, bookie +8, Tulipanzo -6, Erazorix +1, Ex.NFS +3, Hraugr +10, IngmarS -7, neoncamo -6, weebcatto -4, wodrak -6, and 27 more...
Posted on 06 July 2023, 13:56 by:
Marshy~ Score
Base +3, uchimatan +11, Mitroyah +7, Tsilkani -7, shintsurugi +16, xboxboy939495 +26, bookie +8, ji bob +7, Tulipanzo -6, Erazorix +1, Ex.NFS +3, Hraugr +10, OKOKOKKOKoo +2, and 59 more...
Base +7, Mitroyah +7, Tsilkani -7, Sheran +9, xboxboy939495 +26, bookie +8, Tulipanzo -6, Supyeet -6, Ex.NFS +3, Hraugr +10, OKOKOKKOKoo +2, MetaBlade +6, IngmarS -7, and 50 more...
Posted on 06 July 2023, 22:44 by:
天云地道 Score
Base +6, Polestar-X +6, BrittleBones +5, Coledas Ukgent +12
Posted on 06 July 2023, 23:15 by:
psg3 Score
Base +11, darkwing42 +50, bookie -8, Coledas Ukgent +12, FraDom -6
Base +6, Ex.NFS +3, neoncamo -6, BE-excited +1, Pomaweragido +11, zHellas -6, exxer +6, F-O-X +12, RedDriver +2, Kelsero +8, CakePlease +6, Chaisy +25, simpledog +15, and 14 more...
Posted on 07 July 2023, 01:40 by:
Grubus Score
Base +7, Ex.NFS +3, neoncamo -6, BrittleBones +5, Intro -6, weebcatto -4, Moustached -6, bookie -8, Evulchibi -6, AGMlolz +21, ashvendy +6, Chaisy +25, Coledas Ukgent +12, and 9 more...
Posted on 07 July 2023, 07:41 by:
majmage Score
Base +6, BE-excited +1, arkantos22 -6, zHellas -6, icontributenothing -13, Chaisy +25, simpledog +15, Coledas Ukgent +12, Zapopato -7, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, RabidWeasel +7, and 2 more...
Base +5, arkantos22 -6, bookie +8, BE-excited +1, zHellas -6, F-O-X +12, ashvendy +6, Chaisy +25, Grojek +6, DRRyuk +7, dabrhe +6, Coledas Ukgent +12, Tulipanzo -6, and 8 more...
Base +6, arkantos22 +6, bookie -8, whatzah20 -6, zHellas +6, Gventor +6, ElementalMan -6, F-O-X +12, Uvigz -6, icontributenothing -13, Kiranta -6, CakePlease -6, positiveguy -8, and 22 more...
Posted on 07 July 2023, 14:57 by:
cikame Score
Base +6, zHellas -6, F-O-X +12, RedDriver +2, bookie +8, Grojek +6, DRRyuk +7, Coledas Ukgent +12, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, Eden of Shirock +6, AridGalaxy +4, and 4 more...
Base +6, Erazorix +1, BE-excited +1, ElementalMan +6, F-O-X +12, RedDriver +2, chorpse002 +12, AGMlolz -21, icontributenothing -13, bookie +8, Chaisy +25, Grojek +6, TooMuchInfo +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 07 July 2023, 20:44 by:
ArkD Score
Base +7, BE-excited +1, ElementalMan +6, F-O-X +12, RedDriver +2, Chaisy +25, Grojek +6, itsalfath +6, Evulchibi -6, Coledas Ukgent +12, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, and 5 more...
Posted on 07 July 2023, 22:01 by:
Zellos Score
Base +7, ElementalMan -6, F-O-X -12, chorpse002 -12, Uvigz -6, Blank_1 -7, icontributenothing +13, Kiranta -6, CakePlease -6, bookie -8, Ex.NFS -3, DrakMOhkami +8, buiuna -6, and 15 more...
Posted on 08 July 2023, 04:13 by:
A1839103 Score
Base +6, F-O-X +12, Blank_1 +7, icontributenothing -13, bookie +8, Chaisy +25, Kuromoon69 -4, Coledas Ukgent +12, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, Infernomancer -6, Zorlond +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 08 July 2023, 07:44 by:
Marima Score
Base +6, icontributenothing -13, Kiranta -6, buiuna -6, Orpheus705 -10, masterblood45 -6, espda -7, Coledas Ukgent -12, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya -12, Blax12 -13, Zorlond -6, and 8 more...
Base +6,
herearesomething +6,
BE-excited +1,
Chaisy +25,
Coledas Ukgent +12,
Tulipanzo -6,
Captian Katsura -7,
YamatoKazuya +12,
yumyumpollo -7,
F-O-X +12,
LordKeiichi -7,
oxygeddon +5,
[email protected] +6Posted on 08 July 2023, 12:54 by:
ต๋อยDSI Score
Last edited on 11 July 2023, 04:35.
Base +5, BE-excited +1, Blank_1 +7, Higers -7, CakePlease +6, Erazorix +1, bookie +8, Chaisy +25, jeqc +7, Coledas Ukgent +12, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, and 8 more...
Posted on 09 July 2023, 00:03 by:
J.fb Score
Base +11, BE-excited +1, Kiranta +6, CakePlease +6, Erazorix +1, bookie +8, bloodelly +6, MetaBlade +6, Coledas Ukgent +12, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, Zorlond +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 09 July 2023, 23:43 by:
sbrd95 Score
Base +8, BE-excited +1, Moustached +6, simpledog +15, bookie +8, Zorlock +6, Coledas Ukgent +12, Tulipanzo -6, Climhazard88 -7, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, Shockolate -6, Orpheus705 +10, and 7 more...
Last edited on 11 July 2023, 18:50.
Base +7, exoweeb2net +5, bookie +8, Coledas Ukgent +12, Narusakashi +6, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, Shockolate -6, CakePlease -6, yumyumpollo +7, F-O-X +12, oxygeddon +5
Last edited on 11 July 2023, 22:14.
Base +11, Erazorix +1, BE-excited +1, bookie +8, Coledas Ukgent +12, Narusakashi +6, Tulipanzo -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, Shockolate -6, Zapopato +7, Zorlond +6, HolidayStinker -3, and 4 more...
Base +6, bookie +8, BE-excited +1, Coledas Ukgent +12, Zapopato +7, yumyumpollo +7
Posted on 12 July 2023, 05:37 by:
Zerassi Score
Base +6, bookie +8, Hraugr +10, BE-excited +1, Coledas Ukgent +12, Narusakashi +6, MehMeher -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, Shockolate -6, yumyumpollo +7, LordKeiichi -7, Krall-Elite -6, and 2 more...
Base +7, bookie -8, BE-excited -1, Zorlock -6, PeterBE -6, Coledas Ukgent +12, MehMeher +6, Erazorix +1, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya -12, Zapopato -7, CakePlease -6, F-O-X +12, and 2 more...
Base +6, BE-excited +1, Narusakashi +6, Tulipanzo -6, MehMeher -6, Captian Katsura -7, YamatoKazuya +12, sumgaiperson -6, Zapopato -7, Shapeee -6, CakePlease +6, yumyumpollo +7, LordKeiichi -7, and 5 more...
Base +6, MehMeher +6, Captian Katsura +7, BE-excited -1, Shockolate +6, Orpheus705 -10, Shapeee +6, sumgaiperson +6, Zapopato +7, Zorlond -6, HolidayStinker +3, CakePlease -6, Luigibotnik +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 13 July 2023, 20:08 by:
aziz423 Score
Base +6, Captian Katsura -7, Zapopato -7, oxygeddon +5, Death6263 +6, wangsayer +11
Posted on 13 July 2023, 20:46 by:
VanTuz Score
Base +7, mirajane88 +7, hayatex +7, oxygeddon +5, wangsayer +11
Posted on 14 July 2023, 11:09 by:
Therid Score
Base +6, mirajane88 +7, sumgaiperson -6, Zapopato -7, HolidayStinker -3, CakePlease +6, yumyumpollo +7, LordKeiichi -7, Krall-Elite -6, oxygeddon +5, staples101 +6, wangsayer +11
Base +6, whatzah20 -6, sumgaiperson +6, Partsin +6, Zapopato +7, Zorlond -6, Shapeee +6, hayatex -7, HolidayStinker +3, Luigibotnik +6, Wirefull +15, yumyumpollo -7, LordKeiichi +7, and 5 more...
Base +4, sumgaiperson +6, Zapopato +7, Zorlond +6, HolidayStinker +3, CakePlease +6, Wirefull +15, yumyumpollo -7, F-O-X +12, LordKeiichi +7, xElemental +12, Krall-Elite +6, oxygeddon +5
Base +6, Zapopato -7, hayatex +7, CakePlease -6, F-O-X -12, Krall-Elite -6, oxygeddon +5, bookie -8, Gentleman Chimera -8, Ebondrago +5
Base +4, whatzah20 -6, finalcraft -6, mirajane88 +7, Partsin +6, Seiya88 +6, Shapeee +6, hayatex -7, HolidayStinker +3, jepioas -6, BE-excited -1, Luigibotnik +6, Wirefull +15, and 8 more...
Base +6, whatzah20 -6, elmariachi -6, Asberoth -6, imperialsmile -6, mirajane88 +7, sumgaiperson +6, Partsin +6, Numby -16, redspher +5, Seiya88 +6, eaglgenes101 -11, Zapopato +7, and 28 more...
Base +6, NothingBest +6, CakePlease +6, LordKeiichi -7, Sirquestionmark +5, bookie +8, wangsayer +11
Base +3, CakePlease +6, oxygeddon +5
Posted on 30 July 2023, 10:15 by:
junk@fun Score
Base +1, ultimatedogma +3, Misty F +6, riwjin +8, bookie +8, Gentleman Chimera +8, Opaladinohentai +6, simpledog +15, Gismere +6, Ebondrago -5, wangsayer +11, sprinkledash +5
Base +8, bookie +8, Opaladinohentai +6, simpledog +15, Gismere +6, Gentleman Chimera +8, staples101 +6, wangsayer +11
Last edited on 13 June 2024, 06:06.
Base +5