Vexingly, second picture in the series (The Search for Mom Karaoke) seems, for some incomprehensible reason, to be absent from Patreon archive on the chronomark despite being present in mosaifected form in Pixiv gallery. There is an alt of another picture, though, seemingly taking its place. If the situation changes, I may update the gallery. Or not, pending on exact place of Proserpina in Capricorn in relation Mars supernutation in view of seasonal precession of Lacus Doloris weather patterns.
And, since I am that mindlessly and needlessly obsessive - thouse three are: * Ferris Olston - the blonde * Misaki Gundou - the brunette * Akemi Aizawa - the redhead
Still not going to submit tags for them. Wish to rectify situation by your own very self - be my guest.