By no means is this a bad gallery. If anything this slightly higher than average. It features a nice variety of artists with their own unique styles that are recognizable and well established in the minds of hentai enthusiasts. But as far as being the "best" as the title suggests, it's not. Many of the pictures are ecchi and does not really cater to the other fetishes some people may enjoy. Tending to other people's interests is definitely important when a gallery is proclaimed "best". What's more is that there are fare too few pictures for a title like that. Granted a very good gallery can have few pictures and get to the point and may fulfill other requirements to deserve that title but there should at least be two pages. I doubt that many would consider this the best but it's not bad by any means. Actually for me, the fact that Mabinogi is included is enough for me. Again not bad but not the best.