Yes, female rabbits (does) exhibit a cycle of fertility, but it's somewhat different from the typical "heat" seen in many other mammals. Here are some key points about rabbit reproduction:
1. **Induced Ovulation**: Female rabbits are induced ovulators, meaning that the act of mating or even just the physical stimulation can trigger ovulation. Because of this, does don't have a regular estrus cycle like some other animals, but instead can ovulate in response to mating.
2. **Receptivity**: Even though they can ovulate frequently, does are not always receptive to mating. When receptive, the vulva may appear darker in color and more swollen. A non-receptive doe can become aggressive or run away from the male.
3. **Frequency**: While they don’t have a strict estrus cycle, many does exhibit increased receptivity about every 4 to 6 days.
4. **Seasonality**: Some breeds of rabbits are influenced by the length of day, and might only breed during certain times of the year (typically spring and fall). However, many domestic breeds can breed year-round, especially if kept under controlled lighting conditions.
5. **Pregnancy**: After mating, pregnancy in rabbits lasts about 28 to 31 days. Does can even experience a phenomenon known as "superfetation," where they can become pregnant with a second litter while already pregnant with the first, although this is rare.
If you're considering breeding rabbits or have rabbits and are concerned about unwanted pregnancies, it's essential to keep males (bucks) and females (does) separated unless intentional breeding is desired. Remember that rabbits can reproduce at a very high rate, so managing their reproductive activity is crucial.