Base +8, gengkun +13, YellowYuppie +6, hsl20011226 +6, いちゃ +17, rukuju319 +6, Gralwer +6, ODST 125th +6, peekingpanda +16, 10tonbrick +5, 0落羽0 +6, marubellum +6, asriel02 -8, and 15 more...
Base +6, asriel02 -8, ac34 +6, otherjesnico -6
Base +6, asriel02 -8, ac34 +6, otherjesnico -6
Base +7, ODST 125th +6, 10tonbrick +5, marubellum +6, benwar +6, asriel02 -8, shuosuoshi@ +6, brackwristedfisshu +6, Harmony40 +6, R_min +3, gtasan1903 +6, 0落羽0 +6, F.A.L.. +3, and 11 more...
Base +20, asriel02 -8, 0落羽0 +6
Posted on 10 August 2023, 15:41 by:
nittote Score
Base +6, ODST 125th +6, 10tonbrick +5, marubellum +6, asriel02 -8, Shiro Akisu +14, brackwristedfisshu +6, Queensmen +7, Harmony40 +6, R_min +3, gtasan1903 +6, 0落羽0 +6, Jagged +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 11 August 2023, 21:24 by:
diebuster Score
Base +7, CGrascal -15, twothousand -6, Gitami -13, mdkcde -6, Und3adgam3r -7, Tomoe Hotaru -9, ac34 -6, kiwino -14, juan m -7, sadfifteen -6