Posted on 14 August 2023, 18:49 by:
infon Posted on 28 August 2017, 02:38 by:
bathonjau Score
Base +2, observer1980 +21, Celtae +23, Bee君 +6, zhou9393 +4, chao310229 +6, Rxin +4, nvys +2, XYTC2 +6, blach horse +5, jinchijun +6
Posted on 28 August 2017, 03:59 by:
hhshhs Score
Base +6, e102031516 +7, setsuna·F·seiei +5, MOUDA +5, Alonelynerd +2, Bookytea +4, dadiaodiao +3, observer1980 +21, Arctan0 +5, Battlefield_zyc +5, lbem +6, IMBA加贺 +4, aweggg +6, and 25 more...
Base +5, sdgegegwg +4, DiamondMud +9, Moyuic +6, littleic1 +6, Alonelynerd +2, Bookytea +4, minelyy +6, observer1980 +21, bc872010 +6, chrissssssss +9, WarfieldDJ +6, Battlefield_zyc +5, and 51 more...
Base +20, guoren +6, Bookytea +4, (「・ω・)「 +1, observer1980 +21, jayhi +1, lbem +6, 姆q很h +6, GHankgkoo +4, komachi123 +3, k9wdb +2, T.N.N. +5, 1KINGSCV +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 28 August 2017, 08:46 by:
Shirohana Score
Base +5, Bookytea +4, observer1980 +21, Elantrian +2, joke131 +6, nazisho +3, typhoonjager +6, John Gan +6, rainbowM +4, qq664812144 -6, pkpk007kk2 +6, HNG-hentai +5, brad84622 +6, and 10 more...
Base +20, billmao +6, Izumi Key +6, Bookytea +4, observer1980 +21, Rxin -4, Fshate +6
Posted on 28 August 2017, 12:00 by:
Toma Song Score
Base +6, Immatboy +3, BemanHT +6, fchgj +6, Bookytea +4, liu0938698650 +5, observer1980 +21, s42112005 +6, frriee +6, lbem +6, haibake +6, 动漫达人 -6, yuanqiuye +5, and 4 more...
Base +3, observer1980 +21, steven li +5, earsbang +6, Arctan0 +5, nero1209 +8, i936845886 +6, nazisho +3, penghealth +2, lbem +6, arewa daleda +3, BueruS +1, T.N.N. +5, and 29 more...
Posted on 15 September 2017, 00:31 by:
zyyub Score
Base +6, ac731005184 +6, 习近平 +4, observer1980 +21, elory +6, earsbang +6, cjeep910821 +4, xfidshijkdsh +6, 348306212 +5, s3005306 +5, YoyoKosama +6, knight124623 +6, wzmk2 +6, and 113 more...
Posted on 17 September 2017, 14:07 by:
star小磊 Score
Base +2, QuantumGhost1 +5, clara_tkaray +4, Crosstyan +5, willson149 +6, Alonelynerd +2, weiminxie +3, observer1980 +21, elory +6, cjeep910821 +4, ODST trooper +5, Elantrian +2, jayhi +1, and 114 more...
Posted on 17 September 2017, 19:09 by:
tbshavny Score
Base +5, happy61802 +6, MichaekS117 +5, Alonelynerd +2, observer1980 +21, elory +6, Elantrian +2, nazisho +3, lbem +6, John Gan +6, true祭殁 +6, xuliyong +4, pkpk007kk2 +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 18 September 2017, 00:09 by:
oa1337 Score
Base +5, +5, niitre +1, (「・ω・)「 +1, Alonelynerd +2, observer1980 +21, zyl12345 +6, LOL...ON9 +6, smogchan +6, cjeep910821 +4, luguodezhatu +3, ODST trooper +5, 348306212 +5, and 86 more...
Base +5, observer1980 +21, nazisho +3, lbem +6, 1KINGSCV +6, Ender1014 +4, ringsberry +4, blueharry +6, jo123jo +6, 1710696972 +6
Posted on 24 September 2017, 06:45 by:
f1963530 Score
Base +6, st986203 +5, willson149 +6, Alonelynerd +2, scottzhuzzz +5, MichaekS117 +5, observer1980 +21, hentaiclay +6, tctc0605 +1, sa033766 +6, a0970991 +5, s42112005 +6, ODST trooper +5, and 43 more...
Base +5, Alonelynerd +2, observer1980 +21, nazisho +3, lbem +6, doulebi +6, blueharry +6, 肉丝奶茶 +6
Posted on 01 October 2017, 17:43 by:
n755103 Score
Base +4, observer1980 +21, elory +6, sa033766 +6, cjeep910821 +4, kaigedaren +5, mx147536982 +6, ass02 +5, Wogga +6, nazisho +3, yourSwaTer +4, 义乌巫医 +2, Bookytea +5, and 84 more...
Base +3, Alonelynerd +2, observer1980 +21, zyl12345 +6, elory +6, ben_18 +5, sa033766 +6, cjeep910821 +4, xfidshijkdsh +6, ODST trooper +5, LOL...ON9 +6, li20617 +6, PurpleGuy5201 +6, and 79 more...
Posted on 02 October 2017, 04:14 by:
vivagogo Score
Base +6, MichaekS117 +5, observer1980 +21, elory +6, sa033766 +6, cjeep910821 +4, ass02 +5, nazisho +3, lbem +6, 衔觞而作 +4, liangpi +6, tokenlin +6, Ljingjie +4, and 11 more...
Posted on 02 October 2017, 07:48 by:
LzwNju Score
Base +5, observer1980 +21, elory +6, Fup4 +1, ODST trooper +5, LOL...ON9 +6, ass02 +5, nazisho +3, John Gan +6, 345866ee +6, HNG-hentai +5, yande0 +6, Syoshinsya +6, and 6 more...
Base +3, observer1980 +21, hentaiclay +6, 北上さん +4, ODST trooper +5, LOL...ON9 +6, ass02 +5, abc pig +6, Bookytea +5, T.N.N. +5, Bkizimo +5, sworma -4, Jacky~ +8, and 18 more...
Posted on 02 October 2017, 21:50 by:
lie0114 Score
Base +6, observer1980 +21, elory +6, qazzq +6, LOL...ON9 +6, ass02 +5, Bookytea +5
Posted on 04 October 2017, 14:44 by:
infon Score
Base +7, observer1980 +21, hugh2558 +6, ODST trooper +5, Bookytea +5, zxj20020603 +3, haibake +6, yentin2015 +6, multiplier +6, simoncatyyy +3, lbem +6, vasutallomas +12, Herobrineore +6
Posted on 08 July 2018, 15:45 by:
All pass Score
Base +4, thisissogood +4, CostXR +6, tjc +6, LOL...ON9 +6, li20617 +6, Joseph2013 +17, qq949718803 +4, nazisho +3, haibhn +6, +2, taiga loli +5, Bookytea +5, and 45 more...
Posted on 09 July 2018, 20:02 by:
yamarin Score
Base +6, yuanyisama +5, ODST trooper +5, tom19970526 +5, calvin1514 +6, LOL...ON9 +6, Izumi Key +6, zxa14765 +5, qq949718803 +4, wzmk2 +6, yako0755 +6, nazisho +3, H-KamiSama +3, and 58 more...
Base +6, Lays +6, 我不是现充 +6, nazisho +3, IserlohnTamias +5, arewa daleda +3, H60-L01 +6, Dr_Gao +3, qwe313103 +5, elory +6, nwk000 +5, Lecto Hohenheim +5, llzp +2, and 5 more...
Posted on 02 December 2018, 14:22 by:
罢罢. Score
Base +2, Edward Highway +6, LansdaleMD +5, YukiU7 +6, maple3142 +6, cjeep910821 +5, 无月之痕 +2, tctc0605 +3, elory +6, Jorschach +2, Rxin +4, Lecto Hohenheim +5, orangetea2378 +1, and 1 more...
Base +6, panzer89535 +5, naiyazi1 +4, White Comet +3, SpiritSoloist +7, brad84622 +6, elory +6, genesis527 +1, yu469430259 +6, ACG +6, wuyusan +6, weeeeeaaaa +4, 秋葉原メイド +5, and 1 more...
Posted on 06 January 2019, 09:48 by:
ikarosf Score
Base +18, tctc0605 +3, Amyan +6, Alonelynerd +5, 久遠を大好き +5, elory +6, jayhi +4, multiplier +6, cherish_wish +6, kalimi +6, 自动回复 +6, jiaosuanjiao +5, BlueThree +8
Posted on 07 January 2019, 05:52 by:
eimiya000 Score
Base +4, Shiermy +6, wcbup +5, The Winter Wind +6, Elantrian +4, xiaoyujie +6, HTT4563 +5, sworma +4, 水民驛 +2, tctc0605 +4, Zero O +6, salmon3332 +2, av862415830 +6, and 25 more...
Posted on 06 February 2019, 00:12 by:
Love Fei Score
Base +6, scabbardxi +5, 衔觞而作 +5, HTT4563 +5, 郝铭鈭 +1, leelcf +6, dyf123 +8, 345866ee +6, fsd123 +6, brad84622 +6, zxc0666231 +6, elory +6, Rxin +4, and 17 more...
Posted on 06 February 2019, 04:51 by:
恶之人形 Score
Base +6, Amyan +6, 真心的慌言 +6, HTT4563 +5, cjeep910821 +5, fsd123 +6, brad84622 +6, elory +6, multiplier +6, tim111114 +6, rahhhhh +4, orangetea2378 +1, Adamlovekun +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 10 April 2019, 19:49 by:
1ezzzz Score
Base +5, b832614 +6, a861120y +5, panzer89535 +5, cjeep910821 +5, Saeven +2, kowpinwei +6, Zero O +6, EBlaster +6, hsinpu1 +5, thisissogood +6, Alonelynerd +5, elory +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, panzer89535 +5, cjeep910821 +5, Saeven +2, redford1412 +6, dyf123 +8, xinmao +6, kowpinwei +6, fsd123 +6, 猛男不虚一切 +4, thisissogood +6, Alonelynerd +5, Lecto Hohenheim +5, and 13 more...
Base +6, Saeven +2, 水民驛 +2, salmon3332 +2, multiplier +6, hjsbha +4, woshierlei111 +5, 无能为力ing +6, greatest pig +5, Alliancedog +5, La-5FN +4, 神爱 +6, rahhhhh +4, and 24 more...
Posted on 19 May 2019, 14:46 by:
ddit Score
Base +6, CodeGeasscity +2, WildnessChoir +5, ddykys +6, jayhi +4, guoren +6, lost★ +6, 白羽百合 +2, ACG +6, firebomber -8
Posted on 28 June 2019, 15:15 by:
dddtghr Score
Base +6, ddowqeq +8, zuroro +6, guoren +6, xinmao +6, lonelytar +6, thisissogood +6, Brisingr1111 +4
Posted on 26 July 2019, 13:11 by:
恶之人形 Score
Base +6, suoai1335 +5, Udry +5, ass02 +6, zdfcg +6, +5, oldman138 +6, 紳士的風範 +5, cjeep910821 +5, Ladger +6
Posted on 28 July 2019, 14:23 by:
ValkyR_ Score
Base +5, cjeep910821 +5, weizhip +5, quicklywater +2, kusooooo +6, Dieus +5, a1370303 +6, HTT4563 +5, thisissogood +6, meme_xia +4, traitorW +6, BB_Yama +6, yzy276 +6, and 69 more...
Posted on 28 July 2019, 15:09 by:
ikarosf Score
Base +22, cjeep910821 +5, fckgg +5, thisissogood +6, wnzxdx +6, Alonelynerd +5, Elantrian +4, daddy的狗 +2, Scor1 +4, jjklzxc +4, 就是爽 +6
Posted on 13 August 2019, 18:43 by:
Peach-007 Score
Base +5, fate007 +6, qwe313103 +5, cjeep910821 +5, Vallina +5, Elantrian +4, panzer89535 +5, ybtdyp +6, gongyongRBQ +6, shinji-rei +19, Kemonic +6, Alonelynerd +6, cxandbeyond +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 15 August 2019, 11:13 by:
tjaa Score
Base +6, GT150 +4, Elantrian +4, Edward Highway +6, Rxin +4, Alonelynerd +6, Lyianer +6, 神爱 +6, jackson423 +6, Rek_s +6, DAWYIH +6
Base +6, bzz233 +6, 无能为力ing +6, Rek_s +6, ReveM +6, Sam80319 +5, Shell1980 +5, Redstone812 +6, 观测者ゼロ +6, hkwjfoj +6, canyangruxue +4, diaonilaodei +6, Sundaysaint +7, and 3 more...
Base +6, CodeGeasscity +5, 观测者ゼロ +6, takuraku +1, hkwjfoj +6, TWispartofCN +4, blueharry +6, jayhi +6, luyifei2002 +5, miracleXL +6, aminoko +6, bbdan123 +6, Alonelynerd +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 02 July 2021, 23:19 by:
sdshdv Score
Base +34, Rek_s +6, 观测者ゼロ +6, hkwjfoj +6, aminoko +6, TWispartofCN +4, Adamlovekun +6, blueharry +6, Shell1980 +6, newstar10 +7, 就是爽 +6
Posted on 25 July 2021, 10:14 by:
动如疾风闪 Score
Base +7, Rek_s +6, 观测者ゼロ +6, jayhi +6, hkwjfoj +6, TWispartofCN +4, blueharry +6, ☆星空の雨★ +6, aminoko +6, wsaduiop +5, 就是爽 +6, edenhazarrrrrd +6
Base +6, ReveM +6, 柠檬味的鱼 +5, Steve-a +5, ☆星空の雨★ +6, Alonelynerd +6, xinghun4523644 +6
Posted on 21 January 2024, 05:14 by:
polkin Score
Base +6
Posted on 23 September 2024, 01:18 by:
ljtyzbh1 Score
Base +6
Posted on 23 October 2024, 04:38 by:
kofcsjx Score
Base +6, aminoko +6, xinghun4523644 +6
Posted on 03 November 2024, 10:47 by:
westlich Score
Base +6
Posted on 13 November 2024, 11:19 by:
cage_man Score
Base +6
Posted on 17 December 2024, 15:42 by:
X纯欲大学生 Score
Base +2