Posted on 21 August 2023, 02:52 by:
D1SSJE Score
Base +6, DarkTemplarMark -17, ShiningBind -11, gamaroguar -11, motherismothering -1, Ckraemer624 -6, Hard human 69 -6, CuteFunny +6, あいこ -6, Gervont -6, Franka -13, Kight -15, Kunopes -25, and 21 more...
Base +6, hdfhj -6, gamaroguar -11, Ckraemer624 -6, onanimasu -8, shadowray -8, ZhigZhag -6, Merann -6, xSpectrum -7, SenatorAnonymous -7, ShiningBind -11, nya75 +7, JLBoi69 -8
Base +2, b217285 +33, shadowray +8, RisenPhoenix +7, I Hut +6, xSpectrum +7, jango910 +6, Cinissh +7, ShiningBind +11, LiveLifePl0x +6, TFCaliel +6, Vespidas +6, nya75 -7, and 2 more...